Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks. Although social networking on the internet helps people to collect hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, the researchers believe that face to face contact is nearly always necessary to form truly close friendships. Previous research has suggested that a person's conventional ...

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06/09 10:00:29 (Tổng hợp - Lớp 12)
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Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks. Although social networking on the internet helps people to collect hundreds or even thousands of acquaintances, the researchers believe that face to face contact is nearly always necessary to form truly close friendships.

Previous research has suggested that a person's conventional friendship group consists of around 150 people, with five very close friends but larger numbers of people who we keep in touch with less regularly. This figure is so consistent that scientists have suggested it is determined by the cognitive constraints of keeping up with large numbers of people. But Dr. Reader and his team have found that social networking sites do allow people to stretch this figure. The team asked over 200 people to fill in questionnaires about their online networking, asking for example how many online friends they had, how many of these were close friends and how many they had met face to face. The team found that although the sites allowed contact with hundreds of acquaintances, as with conventional friendship networks, people tend to have around 5 close friends. Also, 90% of contacts that the subjects regarded as close friends were people they had met face to face. "People see face to face contact as being absolutely imperative in forming close friendships," added Dr. Reader.

"But to develop a real friendship we need to see that the other person is trustworthy", said Dr. Reader. "What we need is to be absolutely sure that a person is really going to invest in us, is really going to be there for us when we need them ... It's very easy to be deceptive on the internet."


Choose an option (A, B, C, or D) that best answers each question.

Which of the following would best describe the main idea of the passage?
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Số lượng đã trả lời:
A. Can we make true friends on social networking sites?
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0 phiếu
B. Social networking sites help modern people to expand their friends' circle.
0 %
0 phiếu
C. Meeting friends face-to-face is the best way to make close friends.
0 %
0 phiếu
D. Nowadays social networking sites play an important role in making real friends.
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0 phiếu
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