----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. Of the two orders of dinosaurs, the Saurischia was the larger and the first to evolve.
It is divided into two suborders: Theropoda, or theropods, and Sauropodomorpha,
or sauropodomorphs.
3. Stone tools found in Kakadu have now been dated to at least 50,000 years, and
campsites as diverse as Lake Mungo in the Willandra lakes region of NSW and WA's
upper Swan River have yield tools charcoal radiocarbon - dated to between 38,000
and 45,000 years.
4. While much work has been done on the development of power sources for water
pumping, for many people in rural Africa, the use of human energy remains the only
practical option.
5. Expeditioners heading south were issued with pamphlets listing five-letter codes
covering almost every conceivable situation so they could communicate with their
families and still keep within strict 'word limits' during their year on base.
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