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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
09/01/2022 09:25:04

Read the following passage and mark the letter

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
The tomato is from South America. When the tomato came to Europe, people did not eat it. Doctors
said it would make them sick. So people just grew tomatoes because they looked nice.
Now people from all over the world eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are used in sauce, soup, juice, salsa, and
ketchup. The tomato is very good for you. Only a tomato leaf or stem will make you sick.
People do odd things with tomatoes. People grow tomatoes in space. There is a big tomato fight every
year in Spain. A long time ago, people would toss a bad tomato when they saw a show they did not like.
In Canada, many tomatoes are grown on big farms. The farms bring in poor people from far away to
help grow tomatoes. Without these workers, the farms could not run. But the workers do not get much money.
Canada does not let the workers stay here. Many people say this is not fair.
Most farms pick tomatoes before they are ripe. They last longer this way. But these tomatoes do not
taste as good. So lots of people grow their own tomatoes.
86. Where does the tomato come from?
A. Europe
B. South Africa
C. Spain
D. Canada
87. The tomato is used in all of the following EXCEPT
B. Making ketchup
A. Making soup
C. Fighting in space D. Making salsa
88. What did people toss at a show they didn't like in the past?
A. A hammer
B. A box
C. A bad tomato
D. A ball
89. When will farms pick tomatoes?
A. After they are ripe B. Before they are ripe C. In summer
D. Not mentioned
90. What happened when the tomato first came to Europe?
A. People threw them at each other.
B. It became one of the best-selling products.
C. People didn't eat the tomatoes.
D. Tomatoes made doctors sick.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
09/01/2022 09:35:05
+5đ tặng
86 C
87 C
88 C
89 B
90 C

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