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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
20/03/2022 14:22:20

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
/ Choose the best answer:
1I Hong sometimes (does/plays/goes) swimming with her friends
2. VTV3 and VTV1 are (national/local/programme) television channel in Viet Nam
3. CN cartoon (programme/channel/comedy) is for kids
4. I like doing (tennis/karate/chess) at Ngoc Khanh club
5. He's (playing/doing/watching)a game of tennis on TV
6. (An educational/ A news/An animal) programme can always teach children something
7. We use (volumn button/remote control/TV schedule) to change the channel from a distance
8. We need a pair of (goggles/rackets/paddles) for playing badminton
9. Let's go skating. Take your (skis/skateboard/ball)
10.The football fans (cheered/scored/played) for their side
11.HTV3 attracts young (viewers/MC/writers) because it offers many interesting programmes
12.(Comedy/documentary/news) brings a lot of laughter and helps people relax
13.The 2012 Olympic Games (were/are/was) held in London
14.Did you join in school games last week? No, we (don't/didn't/weren't)
15.(How/how often/what) are the Olympic Games held? – Once every four years
16. I love films (and/because/so/but) I don't like watching them on TV
17.I read a lot of sport magazines (so/because/or/and) I'm interested in it
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nghi Gia
20/03/2022 14:42:49
+5đ tặng
1I Hong sometimes (does/plays/goes) swimming with her friends
2. VTV3 and VTV1 are (national/local/programme) television channel in Viet Nam
3. CN cartoon (programme/channel/comedy) is for kids
4. I like doing (tennis/karate/chess) at Ngoc Khanh club
5. He's (playing/doing/watching)a game of tennis on TV
6. (An educational/ A news/An animal) programme can always teach children something
7. We use (volumn button/remote control/TV schedule) to change the channel from a distance
8. We need a pair of (goggles/rackets/paddles) for playing badminton
9. Let's go skating. Take your (skis/skateboard/ball)
10.The football fans (cheered/scored/played) for their side
11.HTV3 attracts young ( viewers/MC/writers) because it offers many interesting programmes
12.(Comedy/documentary/news) brings a lot of laughter and helps people relax
13.The 2012 Olympic Games (were/are/was) held in London
14.Did you join in school games last week? No, we (don't/didn't/weren't)
15.(How/how often/what) are the Olympic Games held? – Once every four years
16. I love films (and/because/so/but) I don't like watching them on TV
17.I read a lot of sport magazines (so/because/or/and) I'm interested in it

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