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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
08/04/2022 18:38:00
Giải bài có thưởng!

Complete the conversation

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
3 GRAMMAR IN USE Complete the conversation. Use forms of the words in brackets () and
short forms. 2.87 Listen and check.
CLARA Hi, Josie. How are things?
JOSIE Busy. We moved into our new flat last week.
CLARA That's great. Where is it?
JOSIE (0) .Do.you. remember. (you remember) the garage on Old Street? It's next to that.
CLARA Oh, yes. I (1).
(know) that place. It's quite old, isn't it?
Yes. So we're in the middle of painting it at the moment.
(you use) professional painters?
JOSIE No, they (3)
(cost) too much. We (4)
(do) it
all ourselves. It's very hard work!
CLARA Well, I (5)
(not do) much at the moment. Would you like
me to help?
JOSIE That's kind of you but we (6)
(not need) any help really.
CLARA OK. How's your little baby?
JOSIE Oh, she (7)....
(be) fine. My mother
(look after) her today.
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