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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
08/07/2022 10:31:49

Chuyển câu màu xanh sang câu bị động

Chuyển câu màu xanh sang câu bị động
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
19. It is advisable for John to attend this seminar. John hould to attend this seminar. 00
20. It's not possible that we will do this exercise properly. We can will do this exercise
21. He is not allowed to reuse this bottle. He mustn'T to reuse this battle.
22. It isn't necessary for Ann to cook dinner today. Anne must to cool dinner Today
23. It is possible that Josh repairs this leaking pipe. Josh can repairs thus leaking pipe
24. It is necessary for you to see the doctor. You
n't see the doctor.
25. It is inadvisable for your family to invest money in this risky business. Your family shoulDN'T invest....
26. He is not allowed to take my car. Hemustn't take
27. It's forbidden to feed these animals. You mustn't to feed these animals.
28. It isn't necessary to dust the furniture. You needn't dust the fuormituore.
29. It is possible to rent a flat very cheaply. You can rent a flat
very cheaply.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Sang Trần
08/07/2022 10:44:59
+5đ tặng
19. this seminar should be attended by John
20. this exercise can be done properly by us
21. this bottle must not be reused by him
22. dinner must be cooked tody by Anne
23. this leaking pipe can be repaired by John
24. you need seen by the doctor
25. money should not be invested in this risky business by my family
26. my car must not be taken by him
27. these animals must not be feeded
28. the furniture must not dusted
29. a flat can be reated very cheply

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