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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
29/07/2022 14:20:07

Chuyển thành câu gián tiếp

Chuyển thành câu gián tiếp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. "Will you come to my house for dinner?" He asked me

6. "Why don't we go jogging?" Ba said to us. →.
7." The test isn't easy enough for us to do." We said.
8. "How was you yesterday? He asked her..
9. "I haven't seen that film for a long time" Nga said to us.
10. Huong said to me: "you must do your homework everyday"
11. Nam said: "Can you help me ?" →.
12. "Do you play soccer well?", he asked..
13. The teacher asked "Where do you go yesterday?"
14. He said to us: "Open your books, please." →.
15. "Are you student now?" He asked me →.
16. " What are you doing when the phone rings?" Ba asked Hoa
17. "They can swim in the sea very well to day" He said.
18. She said that " I must look after the house now"
19. "Listen to me and don't make a noise" said the teacher to his students.
20. "I'm tired of eating fish" Mary said to Helen.
21."Have you fed the cat yet, Philip?" asked Letizia.
22."How much does it cost?" asked Carlos...
23. "I can't go to school today because I'm ill" said Mike.
24. " Is this your father's car?" the policeman asked Sandra.
25. Mai said to her friend: "We will return to HCMC next week. "
26. "If you want to learn English, I can help you," John said.
27" Where does your son want to learn ?" the man said to Mr. Linh.
28. "I do not understand what you are saying," Tom told us.
29" Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now?" said Nam to me.
30. "There is not any information about these colleges," Nam said.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
30/07/2022 10:26:35
+5đ tặng
5. "Will you come to my house for dinner?" He asked me
→  He asked me if i would  come to his house for dinner
6. "Why don't we go jogging?" Ba said to us
. →.Ba said to us why we didn't go jogging
7." The test isn't easy enough for us to do." We said.
We said that The test wasn't easy enough for us to do
8. "How was you yesterday?
He asked her how her yesterday had been
9. "I haven't seen that film for a long time"
Nga said to us that she hadn't  seen that film for a long time
10. Huong said to me: "you must do your homework everyday"
Huong said to me i must  do my homework everyday

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