----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Jake: I like it, Ava! The kitchen isn't as large as in our old one, but
I'm happy the living room isn't cold and it's much more
comfortable! But we need to tidy the garden.
So Jake, what do you think of the new house Mum and Dad
have decided to buy?
Jake: Me too. But at least the house is easy to find - it's so unusual!
I know it's not the only one in the street painted white...
... and they're all made of wood.
Jake: But they haven't got red roofs!
I know. Anyway, the house is in a good place! I probably
won't use the library near us to do my schoolwork, but my
room's got great views of the park. I'm just sorry we're so far
from the river.
Jake: So, will Mum buy you anything for your room? She's getting
me a new bookshelf.
Well, she's already got me a nice armchair. But I need an
alarm clock for the mornings ...
Jake: Right! Well, about getting to school every day - Mum's
offered to drive us, but I think we should cycle.
.Hmm. The bus stop is quite far from here, so... OK!
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