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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
07/09/2022 12:19:54

Write the answer in each blank

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III)-Match the most well-known
descriptions. Write the answer in each blank.
A. Tan Chau Village, An Giang Province
B. Tranh Khuc Village, Ha Noi
C. Bat Trang Village, Ha Noi
D. Vong Village, Ha Noi
E. Van Phuc Village, Ha Noi
craft villages in Viet Nam with their sho
F. Dong Ho Village, Bac Ninh Province
G. Dinh Yen Village, Dong Thap Province
H. Quat Dong Village, Ha Noi
I. Chuong Village, Ha Noi
J. Yen Thai Village (also Buoi Village), Ha Noi
There are many embroidery villages in Vietnam, but this village in Thuong Tin District
has the highest quality embroidery products.
green sticky rice-Vong village - Ha Noi
Situated on the bank of Nhue River, about 10km southwest of Ha Noi Old Quarter, the
village is famous for its traditional weaving and premium quality silk products.
The province which is home of endless rice fields and stunning lotus ponds is the place
where a handicraft village is located that is famous for its woven sedge mats.
The 500-year-old ceramic making village is located about 10 km away from Ha Noi to the
right side of the Red River. There you can find beautiful ceramics and the makers.
From the 15th century, it was well-known in ancient Thang Long Citadel for making
various kinds of paper especially poonah-paper, often used by the royals and kings.
It has been famous for a type of folklore painting. These paintings have been crafted since
the 16th century and were traditionally hung during the Tet Festival.
Located in Thanh Oai District, this village is well-known for its special product - conical
hats made of palm leaf.
TT &
Its black silk is highly valued and widely appreciated for its special softness, durability.
Clothes made from its silk bring those who wear it comfort since it is cool in hot weather
and warm in the cold.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Trần Hữu Việt
07/09/2022 12:24:16
+5đ tặng
1 H
2 E
3 G
4 C
5 J
6 F
7 I
8 A
9 D
10 B

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