words form ( lằm hết tặng riêng 10 xu)
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
6- It will be an
..... experience for you.
7- I'm looking forward to.............. from you.
8- My father is busy................... his motorbike.
9- His sister danced very.................. at the party last night.
10- At the end of a day's work, my father is often
11- The changes are designed to ................ grant applications.
12- I need to see a .....
.......... improvement in your work.
13- It was a ...........
14- He has no specialist................... of this subject.
15- What makes me ........... is the test result.
16- He was extremely .............. because he didn't pass the final exam.
17- Tom is very sad. In other words, he is
18- He was given ................. for a five-week visit to Australia.
19- In order to save money, we stayed in a(n)
...... hotel. (expensi
20- It's difficult to look
.... when you're embarrassed.
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