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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
09/11/2022 12:33:21

Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Part 5
-7 questions -
Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to
complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3
or 4 words.
Richard paints his room
Purple was Richard's favourite colour. He had a purple school bag, a purple
sweater and his uncle gave him a purple tent for his eleventh birthday!
One day, he said to his mother, 'The walls in my bedroom have been
yellow since you painted them when I was five years old, but I'd like to
paint them purple now. Can we do that?
It's a very dark colour, Richard,' she said. If you want a different colour,
how about orange? That's nicer, I think!
But I love purple, Mum. I'm sure it will look amazing! Richard answered.
OKI" his mother said. "We can fetch some paint from the supermarket. We
can buy brushes there too."
They took the train into the city and got everything that they needed. When
they arrived home, they put on some old clothes, carried Richard's bed and
cupboards into another room, found some old newspapers and put them on
the floor and then started painting. They painted for three hours!
Then they tidied the room, went downstairs and made a hot drink. But
Richard was excited and ran upstairs to look at his room again.
Do you like it?" his mother called from the kitchen.
It looks great, Mum! I love it! Richard answered. "And I'd like to paint my
bed and cupboards purple now too, I think!"
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Thị Ánh Hồng
09/11/2022 12:35:01
+5đ tặng

1. 5 years old ( five years old )

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: The walls in my bedroom have been yellow...when I was five years old.)

2. orange

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: If you want a different color, how about orangeThat's nicer I think)

3. brushes

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: We can buy brushes there too)

4. train

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: They took the train into the city and got everything that they needed)

5. some old newspaper

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: ...into another room, found some old newspaper and put them on the floor...)

6. 3 hours ( three hours)

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: They painted for three hours )

7. bed and cupboards

( Dựa vào câu trong bài là: And I'd like to paint my bed and cupboards purple now too, I think)

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