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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
19/03/2023 11:56:05

Read the passage again, and write short answers to the questions

The Maori of New Zealand

The Maori arrived in New Zealand from other Polynesian islands over a thousand years ago. They were the first people to live there. They made beautiful wooden buildings with pictures cut into the wood. There are about 280,000 Maori today. Maori have brown skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy black hair.

In 1840, they agreed to become a British colony, and they learned European ways quickly.Today there are Maori in all kinds of jobs. They attend schools anduniversities and become lawyers and scientists. There are Maori in the government. Most of them live like the white New Zealanders.

However, the Maori do not forgot their traditions. Children learn the language, music and old stories. They have yearly competitions in speaking, dancing, and singing. The Maori live a comfortable, modern life, but they keep their traditions by passing them to their children.

Task 1: Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

                                                                                                                                                T          F

1.    The Maori are Polynesians.                                                                                             T          o

      2.    New Zealand is an island country.                                                                                   o         F

3.    The Maori look like the Chinese.                                                                                     o         F

4.    The Maori live only by hunting and fishing.                                                                    o         F

5.    The Maori like music.                                                                                                      o         F

Task 2: Read the passage again, and write short answers to the questions.

6.    Where did the Maori come from?


7.    How many Maori are there?


8.    What do the Maori look like?


9.    How do most Maori live today?


10. What do they do at their yearly competitions?

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Con Cá
19/03/2023 12:00:22
+5đ tặng

Task 1:
Task 2:
6. The Maori came from other Polynesian islands.
7.There are about 280,000 Maori today.
8.The Maori have brown skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy black hair.
9.Most Maori live like the white New Zealanders.
10.They have yearly competitions in speaking, dancing, and singing.

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Thu Giang
19/03/2023 12:15:42
+4đ tặng

6/ The Maori came from New Zealand from other Polynesian islands over a thousand years ago.

7/ . There are about 280,000 Maori today.

8/. Maori have brown skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy black hair.

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