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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
11/05/2023 18:17:32

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
Question 14. The tornado caused a massive ________ to the town.
A. destruction
B. extension
C. danger
D. mishap
Question 15. “I'll give you your money back tomorrow.”
A. She promised me to give the money back the next day.
B. She promised to give me back your money the next day.
C. She promised to give you back your money the next day.
D. She promised to give me back the money the next day.
Question 16. Passengers __________ to smoke in the train.
A. will not allow
B. has not allowed
C. had not allowed
D. are not allowed
Question 17. A forest fire ________ quickly and ________ many trees.
A. occurred/ cooked
B. spread/ destroyed
C. burst/ harmed
D. raged/ killed
Question 18. A powerful __________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high and killed at least 113 people.
A. tornado
B. landslide
C. earthquake
D. tsunami
Question 19. Hemp was grown throughout history ________ its versatility; it can be used to make many different things.
A. due to
B. since
C. because
D. as a result
Question 20. Global warming ________ if there weren't too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A. won’t happen
B. wouldn’t happen
C. didn’t happen
D. happened
Question 21. I ___________ a cup of tea before I left for my office.
A. will have
B. had had
C. have
D. have had
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
11/05/2023 18:20:58
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Đức Anh Trần
11/05/2023 18:21:57
+4đ tặng
14. A. destruction
15. C. She promised to give you back your money the next day.
16. D. are not allowed
17. B. spread/ destroyed
18. D. tsunami
19. A. due to
20. B. wouldn't happen
21. D. have had
Đức Anh Trần
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