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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
23/07/2023 16:22:45

Read the passages. Then decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
11. Read the passages. Then decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
One day, John's father bought a computer for him. He thought it was a good replacement for John's computer, which had
broken down. John could use the computer (1)
his essays. He didn't expect that John would spend all his
time (2)
computer games on it, which was what he did. John neglected his (3)
and actually
failed his tests. When that happened, John realized that he had made a (4)
computer mainly for typing in his (5)
time. Recently, he has topped his classmates in the mid-year term.
D. to writing
mistake. Now he uses the
1. A. writing
B.to write
B. played
2. A. to play
3. A. family
4. A. terrific
5. A.free
B. lonely
C. wrote
C. friends
C. terribly
C. alone
D. play
D. books
D. terrifically
D. busy
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Bảo Anh
23/07/2023 16:25:21
+5đ tặng
- Dẫn chứng : One day John's father bought a computer for him . He thought it was a good replacement for John's typerwriter , which had been broken down

- Dẫn chứng : He didn't expect that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it , which was what he did

- Dẫn chứng : John could use the computer to write essays . He didn't expect that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it , which was what he did 

- Xét câu trước ta thấy có "the computer" và vế sau "it" theo nghĩa thì John có thể chơi game trên nó (nó ở đây hiểu theo nghĩa là cái máy tính)

- Dẫn chứng : When that happened , John realized that he had made a terrible mistake . Now , he uses the computer mainly for typing his essays

- Dẫn chứng : One day John's father bought a computer for him . He thought it was a good replacement for John's typerwriter , which had been broken down.He didn't expect that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it , which was what he did 

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