I write (to you) to bring to your notice a situation which I consider/is considered most undesirable.
2. Opposite my house is a small park, in which local children, including my own, often play.
3. I have noticed that recently every evening a young man arrives there with two large dogs which he then allows to run around on the grass.
4. I am disturbed by this for three reasons.
4. First, the dogs terrify the children who are playing in the park.
5. Secondly, the continuous barking of the dogs upsets the locals residents of this usually peaceful neighborhood.
6. Thirdly, there is a problem of hygiene when animals invade a space (which is) reserved for people.
7. Allow me to suggest that a fence be erected around the park, and a notice hung on it forbidding anyone to bring dogs inside.
8. It is/would also be a good idea for a security guard to be stationed in the park.