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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
28/08/2023 16:37:24

Describe a time when you were ill. You can use the following questions as cues:

Describe a time when you were ill.
You can use the following questions as cues:
When were you ill?
What were your symptoms?
What did you do to cure it?
How long did the illness last?
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyen Thuy Huong
28/08/2023 16:42:01
+5đ tặng

There was a time when I fell ill during the winter season. It happened about two years ago, in December. My symptoms included a sore throat, runny nose, and a persistent cough. I also had a low-grade fever and felt very fatigued.

To cure it, I followed a few home remedies. I drank plenty of fluids, primarily warm water and herbal tea, to soothe my sore throat and keep myself hydrated. I also gargled with warm saltwater to alleviate the discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I rested a lot and tried to get plenty of sleep to help my body recover.

The illness lasted for about a week. During that time, I stayed home from work and limited my physical activities to give my body the rest it needed. I also avoided contact with others to minimize the risk of spreading the infection.

Fortunately, with proper rest, hydration, and home remedies, my symptoms gradually improved, and I recovered fully within a week.

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