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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
06/12/2023 21:33:37

How many ethnic groups are there in Vietnam?

Phần D
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
and major cities. The other 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 8 million people, are scattered over
mountain areas spreading from the North to the South. Among ethnic minorities, the most populated
are Tay, Thai, Muong, Hoa, Khmer, Nung... with a population of around 1 million each; while the least
populated are Brau, Roman, Odu with several hundred people each.
The main economic activity of most ethnic peoples is wet rice cultivation. A number of ethnic
minorities had mastered some farming techniques. They grew rice plants in swamped paddy fields and
carried out irrigation. Others go hunting, fishing, collecting and live a semi-nomadic life. Each group
has its own culture that is diverse and special. Beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese ethnic minority
groups are also different from each other.
1. How many ethnic groups are there in Vietnam?
2. Where do the Kinh people mostly inhabit?
3. How is the own culture of each group ?
4. Do the ethnic minority groups have the same culture, religion and belief?
5. What is the population of the Tay?
A. around 1 million people
B. more than 1 million people
D. over 8 million people
C. around 8 million people
6. Which ethnic group has the least populated?
A. Kinh
B. Tay
C. Thai
D. Brau
I. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, using the beginning given for each.
(1.25 pts)
1. Her mother doesn't dance as beautiful as her sister.
=> Her sister dances
2. It is a good idea for you to hand bowl with both hands when having dinner in Viet Nam.
=> You should
3. He is a good student. He always does all the exams well. (Therefore)
=>He is
4. She doesn't like going out on cold days.
=>He detests
5. The children like surfing the Net better than playing sports.
=> The children prefer_
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Quang Cường
06/12/2023 21:41:45
+5đ tặng
  1. How many ethnic groups are there in Vietnam?

    • Answer: There are 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam.
  2. Where do the Kinh people mostly inhabit?

    • Answer: The Kinh people mostly inhabit the lowland areas and major cities.
  3. How is the own culture of each group?

    • Answer: Each ethnic group has its own diverse and special culture.
  4. Do the ethnic minority groups have the same culture, religion, and belief?

    • Answer: No, the beliefs and religions of the Vietnamese ethnic minority groups are different from each other.
  5. What is the population of the Tay?

    • Answer: A. around 1 million people
  6. Which ethnic group has the least populated?

    • Answer: D. Brau

Rewriting Sentences:

  1. Her sister dances not as beautifully as her mother.
  2. You should use both hands to handle the bowl when having dinner in Vietnam.
  3. He is a good student; therefore, he always does all the exams well.
  4. He detests going out on cold days.
  5. The children prefer surfing the Net to playing sports.


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