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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
20/03 18:30:22

A ____ is an informational booklet that provides details about educational programs and instutitions?

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
29 Phương Chuyện
Lop. 9B
liệu học sinh điện đến chăm học 2021 2022
Lan Thành, ngày 21 tháng 01 năm 2021
A. hobbies
Question 21: A
and institutions.
A. novel
B. qualifications
C. secrets
D. ideas
is an informational booklet that provides details about educational programs
B. brochure
Question 22: He regrets
A. spend
B. to spend
Question 23:
B. Have
A. Having
Question 24:
A. Having overcome
C. Not having overcome
C. letter
D. report
so much money on unnecessary things.
C. having spent
D. spent
finished all my homework, I had some free time to relax.
C. Had
D. Has
her fears, she gave an excellent speech.
B. Having been overcome
D. Not having been overcome
Question 25: Independent thinkers aren't afraid to
A. carry out
B. come up with
Question 26: To maintain independence, avoid
A. getting
B. to get
Question 27: It was the sound of the distant thunder
A. that
B. where
unique opinions in discussions.
C. make use of
C. get
C. who
D. get around
into the habit of procrastination.
D. got
made the hikers decide to turn back.
D. whose
Question 28: Knowing how to use public transportation is essential to get.
A. onto
Question 27:
B. into
C. around
in the city.
D. within
skills refer to the ability to evaluate options, then make choices that are
effective and appropriate in a given situation.
A. Time-management
B. Money-management
C. Decision-making D. Self-motivated
Question 28: It was Henry
showed me how to earn my parent's trust.
A. who
B. which
C. that
D. A&C are correct.
Question 29: Emily makes
A. use of
Question 30: Sarah
A. gets into
Question 31: Lisa carries
A. on
online resources to research and learn new things.
B. ends meet
C.up with
D. around
the habit of tidying up her room before going to bed each night.
B. drives into
C. goes into
D. brings into
her duty of helping with household chores such as washing dishes.
B. off
C. to
D. out
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
+5đ tặng

Question 22: He regrets A. spend B. to spend

-> Sửa thành: He regrets

B. to spend

Question 23: B. Have A. Having

-> Sửa thành:

B. Having

Question 24:

A. Having overcome C. Not having overcome

-> Sửa thành:

D. Not having overcome

Question 26: To maintain independence, avoid A. getting B. to get

-> Sửa thành:

B. to get

Question 27: It was the sound of the distant thunder A. that B. where

-> Sửa thành:

A. that

Question 28: Knowing how to use public transportation is essential to get. A. onto

-> Sửa thành:

C. around

Question 30: Sarah A. gets into

-> Sửa thành:

B. drives into

Question 31: Lisa carries A. on

-> Sửa thành:

C. to


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