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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
16/04 19:22:10

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Have you ever had a dream about traveling to another planet in our solar system? If you have, there is an actual programme that is happening right now, and it hopes to send people to Mars in 2023. Known as the Mars One Mission, it will send a crew of four people on a one-way mission to colonize Mars. Those chosen people will have to be ready to say good-bye to the earth forever, as there will not be a return trip. For the people chosen, they will have to learn to do many different things. First of all, they will be living the rest of their lives with just a handful of other people, so they all must have personalities that allow them to get along. Second, the living quarters that they will have won’t be very spacious, so they will have to deal with that condition as well. If they feel homesick, they will only be able to communicate with people back on the earth via e-mail and videos and audio sent back and forth. However, there won’t be any real-time communication. Even at the speed of light, communication between the earth and Mars takes about 20 minutes. Whether the Mars One Mission will actually happen is the big question that a lot of people are asking. There is an enormous skepticism in the science community, and Wired magazine gave the mission a miserable score of two out of ten on its probability scale. However, for those who dream to go to Mars, at least they can say there is a possibility that it could happen.

1.what is the main purpose of the mars one mission?

a. to bring back samples from mars

b.to send people to mars to live there

c.to explore the moons of jupiter

d.to study the rings of saturn

2.how will the crew communicate with people on earth during the mission

a.theough regular phone calls

b.through real-time communication

c.via email,videos,and audio with no real time communication

c.through carrier pigeons

3.what is one challenge the crew will face during their mission

a.having plenty of space in their living quarters

b.enjoying real-time communication with earth

c.frequent visits from friends and family

d.dealing with homesickness without real-time communication

4.how does the science community generally view the likehood of the mars one mission

a.with skepticism and doubt

b.with indifference and apathy

c.with stronf support and enthusiasm

d.with certainty and confidence

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. b. to send people to Mars to live there
2. c. via email, videos, and audio with no real-time communication
3. d. dealing with homesickness without real-time communication
4. a. with skepticism and doubt
Phương Mai
16/04 19:22:45
+5đ tặng
  • The main purpose of the Mars One Mission is:

    b. to send people to Mars to live there.

  • The crew will communicate with people on Earth during the mission:

    c. via email, videos, and audio with no real-time communication.

  • One challenge the crew will face during their mission is:

    d. dealing with homesickness without real-time communication.

  • The science community generally views the likelihood of the Mars One Mission:

    a. with skepticism and doubt.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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16/04 19:22:53
+4đ tặng
1. b. to send people to Mars to live there
2. c. via email, videos, and audio with no real-time communication
3. d. dealing with homesickness without real-time communication
4. a. with skepticism and doubt
16/04 19:23:00
+3đ tặng
  1. The main purpose of the Mars One Mission is:

b. to send people to Mars to live there

  1. How will the crew communicate with people on Earth during the mission?

c. via email, videos, and audio with no real-time communication

  1. What is one challenge the crew will face during their mission?

d. dealing with homesickness without real-time communication

  1. How does the science community generally view the likelihood of the Mars One Mission?

a. with skepticism and doubt

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