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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
18/04 13:24:02

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống, hoàn thành câu

He studies life in the sea. He is a marine (A. chemist / B. biologist/ C. chemistry)
4) Minh: I just want to let you know that the meeting has been held at 2 pm tomorrow.
Nam: ......, but could you please tell me the location of the meeting?
(A. Sorry for interrupting
B. No, I don't
5) Hold on! I think this isn't the right road. Let's turn back.
A. Continue!
C. I'm sorry I can't D. No,
B. Move back! C. Keep to the right! D. Wait!
B. You're a kid. C. She can do telepathy. D. It doesn't work.
6) She can do telepathy? You're kidding! It's impossible.
A. I don't believe it.
7) Learning to speak English is not a piece of cake. It requires lots of practice and hard work.
A. delicious
B. easy
C. fun
D. hard
8) The picture is so large that it doesn't fit the computer screen. Can you zoom out on it?
A. make it smaller B. make it bigger C. make it sharper D. make it stronger
9) Supermarkets offer a wide (A. limit/ B. distance/ C. range/ D. group) of products.
10) They offer a ten percent (A. discount/ B. cut/ C. decrease/ D. drop) on travel for students.
Mai: My dad has just given me a new iPhone! - An: ....
A. Great news
B. I'm sorry to hear that
11. Every year, more than ten
A. tornado
12. Let's get ready
A. on
B. storms
D. You're welcome.
C. No, thanks.
with strong winds and rains cause damage in our country.
C. landslides
D. draughts
10 a.m. We are meeting Dr Saito at 10.15.
B. for
13. Marie Curie and Pierre Curie
A. invented
B. discovered
14. Susan wants to join the school music club;
C. in
radium and polonium.
C. created
D. by
D. carried out
,she can't sing or play any
A. However
B. therefore
C. Because
D. So
15. Nick: "Do you think Ann will win tomorrow?" - Lan: "
match last week".
A. Hold on
C. I'm not sure about it.
en words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
. She injured her arm in a
B. That's awful.
D. Yes, certainly
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
18/04 13:28:24
+5đ tặng
3. biologist
5. D Hold on! = Wait! (Chờ đã!)
6. You're kidding! (Bạn đang đùa!) = I don't believe it.(Tôi không tin điều đó.)
7.  a piece of cake (dễ)
8. zoom out of it = make it smaller (thu nhỏ)


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