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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
21/04 11:22:04

Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage


II. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

     Yesterday, Carlos went (1) __________ La Tomatina. The festival is held on the last Wednesday of August every year in Buñol, Spain. (2)__________ were thousands of people there. In the morning, many people tried (3)          __________ up the pole to get the ham. At 11 a.m., they (4)__________a jet from the water cannons and the chaos began. Bags of tomatoes from trucks were (5)__________ to the crowds, and they began throwing tomatoes at one another. They all had to wear goggle (6)__________their eyes.

     After one hour, they saw another jet and stopped (7)__________. The whole town square (8)__________red with rivers of tomato juice. Finally, they tried tomato Paella, (9)__________Spanish rice dish. Together with local people and tourists, they enjoyed the (10) __________food and drink.

     1.  A. at                     B. in                     C. to                     D. from

     2.  A. There               B. They                C. That                 D. This

     3.  A. climb               B. climbed            C. climbing           D. to climb

     4.  A. saw                  B. see                    C. seen                 D. seeing

     5.  A. thrown             B. threw                C. throw               D. throwing

     6.  A. protecting         B. to protect          C. protected          D. protect

     7.  A. to throw           B. throw               C. throwing          D. thrown

     8.  A. were                 B. are                    C. was                  D. is

     9.  A. tradition           B. traditional         C. traditionally      D. traditionalize

     10.                             A. badly                B. better                C. well        D. good


III. Read the text and answer the questions.



     There is custom in Italy for young couples to get engaged on Valentine’s Day. Some shops sell baskets and cups which are filled with sweets and tied with ribbons. The young lovers offer these to each other as a sign of their love.


     On February 14th many young women give sweets to their boyfriends, and on March 14th their boyfriends buy them chocolate. However, the young who do not have a girlfriend or boyfriend can celebrate their own day on April 14th. On this special day, called “Black Day”, these young people sit with their friends, who are in the same situation, and eat jajang noodles, which are black. This ensures that everyone has a day to celebrate.

     United State of America

     Most people in the USA take Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to express their feelings towards their loved one or to offer the hand of friendship to others. However, it is popular on these days to send an “anti-valentine” card. These cards either have an insulting message (to person you hate) or say goodbye (to your current partner). If you receive a card with the message C-Ya! (See you), it means your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to end your relationship.

1.  What do Italians give for their lovers on Valentine’s Day?


2.  What is April 14th called in Korea?


3.  What do young Koreans who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend do on April 14th?


4.  What is popular for Americans on Valentine’ Day?



IV. Read and decide if each statement is true or false or not given.


          Hello! My name is Jack. I am 12 years old and I live in a small town in the South of Britain with my mum, dad and my sister Emily.

          It is spring now and I am very happy because Easter is coming. I am telling you what we do in Britain at Easter.

          Easter starts on Good Friday in Britain. My mum makes hot cross buns and we eat them with tea. We usually have some activities to celebrate Easter. Last year we made colorful hats. This year we are going to design a basket full of painted Easter eggs. It will be a great fun.

          On Easter Sunday morning, we have a big breakfast. After breakfast we all go to church. When we get home, we give each other chocolate eggs. Kids get the biggest eggs. Then we play “Easter Egg Hunt”. My parents hide some Easter eggs in the garden and Emily and I look for them. We love playing it.

          In the afternoon, my aunt and uncle come to our house to enjoy tea. We have Easter cupcakes and delicious tea. After that we usually go for a walk together.

          I like Easter because it is a great family festival, and we do not have to go to school for 02 weeks.








Easter is in summer.






Jack’s family eats hot cross buns on Good Friday morning.






Children make a basket full of painted Easter eggs this year.






Jack likes doing Easter activities.






Easter Egg Hunting means that children eat chocolate eggs.






Jack gets three chocolate eggs.






On Sunday afternoon, no one comes to Jack’s house.






Children have to go to school even in Easter.




1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Trợ lý ảo
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. F
2. T
3. NG
4. T
5. F
6. NG
7. F
8. F
Nguyên Nguyên
22/04 15:18:37
+5đ tặng


2 A

3 D

4 A


6 B

7 C

8 C

9 B

10 D


1 Italians give baskets and cups which are filled with sweet and tied with ribbons

2 April 14th in Korea is called Black Day.

3 Young Koreans who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend celebrate their own day on April 14th.

4 Sending an “anti-valentine” card is popular for Americans on Valentine’s Day.


1 F

2 T

3 NG

4 T

5 F

6 NG

7 F

8 F

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