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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
22/04 22:15:36

What is main idea of the passage

Son Doong Cave has become more famous after the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) aired a live
programme featuring its magnificence on 'Good Morning America' in May 2015. Located in Quang Binh Province,
Son Doong Cave was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh in 1991, and became known internationally in
2009 thanks to British cavers, led by Howard Limbert. The cave was formed about 2 to 5 million years ago by river
water eroding away the limestone underneath the mountain. It contains some of the tallest known stalagmites in
the world - up to 70 metres tall. The cave more than two hundred metres wide, one hundred and fifty metres high,
and nearly 9 kilometres long, with caverns big enough to fit an entire street inside them. In August 2013, the first
tourist group explored the cave on a guided tour. Permits are now required to access the cave and are made available
on a limited basis. Only 500 permits were issued for the 2015 season, which runs from February to August. After
August, heavy rains cause river levels to rise and make the cave largely inaccessible.
38. What is main idea of the passage?
A. One of the most splendid caves in Viet Nam
C. The location of Son Dong cave
B. A cave called Son Dong in America
D. A TV program about Son Dong cave
39. According to the writer, Son Dong cave has become more famous thanks to
A. a television program
C. its founder
40. Son Dong cave is about
A. 150-200
B. we have shown it to the visitors by posters
D. a group of English explorers
meters wide and
meters tall?
B. 200-150
C. 50-20
C. The river
41. What does the word "It "refer to?
A The mountain
B. The cave
42. What does the word "inaccessible "mean?
A. unable to understand
Cunable to reach
B. unable to make
D. unable to decorate
D. 2000-150
D. The water
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phương Mai
22/04 22:16:06
+5đ tặng
  1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. One of the most splendid caves in Vietnam

  2. According to the writer, Son Doong cave has become more famous thanks to A. a television program

  3. Son Doong cave is about B. 200-150 meters wide and 150-200 meters tall?

  4. What does the word "It" refer to? B. The cave

  5. What does the word "inaccessible" mean? C. unable to reach


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