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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
30/05 13:47:59

Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau

The coronavirus is a kind of virus. Viruses are tiny germs that are so small that you can’t see them. They are so (1) _______ that they can float through the air in tiny drops of water, and they can sit on your skin without you feeling them. If some of these germs get inside you, they can use your body to make more germs, and that can make you ill.

There are lots of different sorts (2) _______ coronaviruses and some of them infect people. If you have been infected with one of these coronaviruses, all you probably (3) _______ was a snotty nose or a cough.

But when this completely new coronavirus germ gets inside a human body, it causes (4) _______ illness called COVID-19. When people talk about "catching the coronavirus", they are talking about this illness. Because this coronavirus is new, scientists don’t know everything about it yet. But they think that there are two main (5) _______ that people can catch it.

1.         A. big                          B. small           C. light            D. heavy

2.         A. about                      B. for               C. with            D. of

3.         A. had                         B. made           C. took            D. caught

4.         A. a                             B. an                 C. the             D. Ø

5.         A. roads                     B. ways             C. behaviours  D. habits

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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi

The coronavirus is a kind of virus. Viruses are tiny germs that are so small that you can’t see them. They are so (1) small that they can float through the air in tiny drops of water, and they can sit on your skin without you feeling them. If some of these germs get inside you, they can use your body to make more germs, and that can make you ill.

There are lots of different sorts (2) of coronaviruses and some of them infect people. If you have been infected with one of these coronaviruses, all you probably (3) caught was a snotty nose or a cough.

But when this completely new coronavirus germ gets inside a human body, it causes (4) an illness called COVID-19. When people talk about "catching the coronavirus", they are talking about this illness. Because this coronavirus is new, scientists don’t know everything about it yet. But they think that there are two main (5) ways that people can catch it.

1. small
2. of
3. caught
4. an
5. ways

Thanh Lâm
30/05 13:59:15
+5đ tặng
1 B. small
2 B. of
3 D. caught
4 B. an
5 B. ways

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hí mấy ní
30/05 14:02:54
  • B. small
  • A. of
  • C. had
30/05 14:08:55

The coronavirus is a kind of virus. Viruses are tiny germs that are so small that you can’t see them. They are so (1) light that they can float through the air in tiny drops of water, and they can sit on your skin without you feeling them. If some of these germs get inside you, they can use your body to make more germs, and that can make you ill.

There are lots of different sorts (2)   of    coronaviruses and some of them infect people. If you have been infected with one of these coronaviruses, all you probably (3)     had     was a snotty nose or a cough.
​#ʜᴛʜᴜᴜ ♡ @hthuu
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