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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
24/06 16:58:40

Choose the correct answer

2 trả lời
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+5đ tặng
10. Mrs. Archer is known **for having** the finest collection of twentieth-century art in private hands.
(Option C: "whose" doesn't fit here grammatically, and "by having" changes the meaning.)

11. He **owes** his life to the skill of the surgeons.
(Option A: "having" and "keeps" do not make sense in this context.)

12. **Even if** we understand his reasons, we cannot condone his behavior.
(Option B: "Only if" changes the meaning; "Just" and "Hardly" are not appropriate here.)

13. I don't think that this fashion will **catch on**.
(Option A: "catch out" and "catch over" are incorrect; "catch up" doesn't fit the context.)

14. If you do not repay the money, we will, as a last **resort**, take you to court.
(Option D: "attempt" and "act" do not fit here; "measure" changes the meaning.)

15. The two trains came **together** within ten meters of collision.
(Option D: "near" changes the meaning; "just" doesn't fit the context.)

16. All but two of the injured were **discharged** from the hospital within twenty-four hours.
(Option C: "sent" does not fit here; "allowed" changes the meaning.)

17. He was awarded a medal in **recognition** of his services to the Queen.
(Option B: "view" is incorrect here; "light" changes the meaning.)

18. **No sooner** had I left the hotel when I was surrounded by photographers.
(Option A: "Immediately" changes the meaning; "hardly" and "drinking" are not appropriate.)

19. You must refrain **from drinking** tea or coffee while taking this medicine.
(Option B: "to drink" is incorrect grammatically; "drink" alone is not correct in this context.)

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24/06 17:01:48
+4đ tặng
10. C 
11  A 
12 A 
13 D 
14 D
15 C
16 C
17 B 
18 A 
19 B.    
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