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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
07/07 20:04:18

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
8. I hate winter because I like.
climate. WARMTH
Test 2
I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. After working on computer for long hours, you should........... your eyes and relax.
A. wake
B. sleep in
C. rest
2. Gardening........... us happy and can spend time together.
A. makes
C. help
3. We sometimes.......... to the park on Saturday.
A. go
B. does
B. to go
B. healthy
C. going
C. unhealthy)
4. You should do morning exercise to have a ..........body.
A. health
5. Bad habits like going to bed late and eating a lot of junk food......... harmful to our health
A. is
B. are
C. has
6. If you want to........... weight, you should follow a low-fat diet.
A. lose
7. He looks so.....
B. gain
C. put on
. He can't keep his eyes open!
A. happy
B. tired
8. Does your father like......
C. healthy
D. fit
A. doing
B. making
C. taking
D. having
9. Junk foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to...........
A. fever
B. allergy C. obesity
D. stomachache
D. shape
10. She stays in ........... by exercising daily and eating well.
A. health
B. fit
11. My mother cook food
B. with
C. size
very little cooking oil.
C. in
A. for
12. Hien
A. Does clean
her room after school?
B. Do-clean
13. Does your brother like........... cycling?
A. doing
B. going
B. members
C. Does cleans
C. playing
C. hobbies
14. Sara and Mary are............of a mountain climbing club.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses:
1. exercise and get enough sleep (help)..
2. Weather that is too cold or too hot (affect)
3. She doesn't know why she (have)
you (join).
5. Martin (play).
6. David (give).
D. students
people keep fit?
your skin condition.
chapped lips.
our guitar club this weekend?
football every Tuesday afternoon in the park near his house.
his younger sister a book as a birthday gift next week.
7. My mother always (collect).
8. My parents don't like (eat),
9. I hate (play)
rags for me to make clothes for my dolls.
out because they think it is not healthy.
cards with my elder brother because he always cheats.
10. Nam's friends often (give).
him stamps from other countries
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the present simple
present continuous.
My cousin, Mi, (1. love)
to cook from
Internet. She (5. share)
Mi and I usually (7. make).
cooking. She (2. not go)
to any cooking class S
at the weeke
her mum, and sometimes she (4. get)
this hobby with her sister. I (6. enjoy).
pizza together when we (8. meet)
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
07/07 20:08:55
+5đ tặng

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

  1. C. rest
  2. A. makes
  3. A. go
  4. B. healthy
  5. B. are
  6. A. lose
  7. B. tired
  8. C. taking
  9. C. obesity
  10. D. shape
  11. B. with
  12. A. Does clean
  13. B. going
  14. B. members

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses:

  1. helps
  2. affects
  3. has
  4. Are you joining
  5. plays
  6. will give
  7. collects
  8. eating
  9. playing
  10. give

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07/07 20:23:59
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