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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
10/07 11:43:46

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions

Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 1: If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about her
                                             A                                          B C
uncle’s accident.
Question 2: If a student takes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four years
                     A                            B                               C
doing the course.
Question 3: Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit.
                          A                  B                            C     D
Question 4: If had I known you were in financial difficulty, I would have helped you.
                                    A                     B    C                 D
Question 5: If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you.
                     A           B                          C                   D
Question 6: If she had finished the work, she can go home.
                                      A                     B                                      C                     D
Question 7: If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered
                                      A                          B                 C
me the job.
Question 8: If we had had a map, we would not be lost yesterday.
                     A              B                               C                     D
Question 9: Had I known Alice’s address, I would write to her.
                            A                B                                   C D
Question 10: If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I would stop.
                                      A              B                C          D
Question 11: If had you sent the application form to that company, you would have
                                      A                                                             B C
been offered a job.
Question 12: He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire.
                                 A                            B         C       D
Question 13: Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness.
                            A                B                                 C D
Question 14: Unless there had been the heavy storm, the climbers will not have died.
                            A                       B                C            D
Question 15: She has found that nobody can help her if she did not try her best to do
                                      A                                   B                                   C D
it herself.
Question 16: If we will reduce the speed of population growth, there will be less
                                           A                                               B C
pressure on the earth.
Question 17: If we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will evaporate.
                        A                          B                     C       D
Question 18: If we continue to use fuels at the current rate, we would soon have to face
                        A                            B                                                        C D
a fuel crisis.
Question 19: If she bought that house now, she ran out of money.
                                      A                              B            C D
Question 20: What you would do if you could speak French well?
                          A              B                            C          D
Question 21: If I had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted and informed you
                            A                                                               B C
about the last - minute cancellation of the seminar.
Question 22: If you had studied hard, you wouldn't failed the exam.
                            A                            B                   C  D
Question 23: If I hadn't been too late for the exam, I might be allowed to enter the
                                      A                       B                               C D
examination room.
Question 24: I would have enroll on an online course if I had had enough money.
                            A                B                                                    C D
Question 25: We might have gone to the Science Fair if we knew about it happened.
                               A                       B                                      C D
Question 26: If we had drop school so early, we wouldn't have had enough knowledge
                                      A                            B                   C D
of the school subjects.
Question 27: If you had come to class last week, you might have join in the discussion
                                           A                            B          C
on air pollution.
Question 28: If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn't have been in so much trouble now.
                                      A                          B                                      C                          D
Question 29: I don't know your phone number. If I had known it, I would have called
                                 A                                                           B                       C D
you last night.
Question 30: If I have studied English earlier, I could have read this book several years ago.
                                      A                              B                                      C                              D
Question 31: If a meteor hadn't struck the Earth, the dinosaurs didn't become extinct.
                                               A                B                                                    C D
Question 32: If they had win the lottery last summer, they would have bought a new car.
                                           A                                   B                            C D
Question 33: If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn’t have gone all the way to his
                                      A                   B                                      C D
Question 34: If I had known that the road were flooded, I would never have taken that way.
                                      A                                        B                   C D
Question 35: If I were you, I will go to the dentist’s and have the tooth checked.
                                 A                     B                C       D
2 trả lời
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Sure, let's go through each question and identify the underlined part that needs correction:

**Question 1:**
If Lucia **had been** here now, she **would find out** the truth **about** her **uncle’s** accident.
- **Correction:** A (should be "were here now" to match the present conditional)

**Question 2:**
**If** a student **takes a course** on Computer Science, it will **take** him four years **doing** the course.
- **Correction:** D (should be "to do" instead of "doing")

**Question 3:**
**Unless** it **did not rain**, Peter **would pay** us **a visit**.
- **Correction:** B (should be "rained" instead of "did not rain")

**Question 4:**
If **had I known** you **were** **in** financial difficulty, I **would have helped** you.
- **Correction:** A (should be "I had known")

**Question 5:**
**If** I **had knew** the time **when** the match started, I **would have told** you.
- **Correction:** B (should be "had known")

**Question 6:**
If she **had finished** **the work**, she can **go** **home**.
- **Correction:** C (should be "could go")

**Question 7:**
If I **had spoken** more **confident** at the interview, they **would have offered** me **the** job.
- **Correction:** B (should be "confidently")

**Question 8:**
**If** we **had had** a map, we **would not** **be lost** yesterday.
- **Correction:** D (should be "have been lost")

**Question 9:**
**Had I known** **Alice’s** address, I **would write** **to her**.
- **Correction:** C (should be "would have written")

**Question 10:**
If I **had realized** **that** the **traffic lights** were red, I **would stop**.
- **Correction:** D (should be "would have stopped")

**Question 11:**
If **had you sent** the application form **to that company**, you **would have** **been offered** a job.
- **Correction:** A (should be "you had sent")

**Question 12:**
He **spends** money **carelessly** **as if** he **was** a millionaire.
- **Correction:** D (should be "were")

**Question 13:**
**Unless** you **work** harder, you **will be sack** because of your **laziness**.
- **Correction:** C (should be "will be sacked")

**Question 14:**
**Unless** there **had been** the **heavy** storm, the climbers **will** not have died.
- **Correction:** D (should be "would not have died")

**Question 15:**
She **has found** that nobody **can help** her if she **did not try** her best **to do** it herself.
- **Correction:** C (should be "does not try")

**Question 16:**
If we **will reduce** the speed of **population growth**, there will be **less** pressure **on** the earth.
- **Correction:** A (should be "reduce")

**Question 17:**
**If** we leave **a bowl of** water **under** the sun, it **will evaporate**.
- **Correction:** No correction needed.

**Question 18:**
**If** we continue **to use** fuels at the current rate, we **would** soon have **to face** a fuel crisis.
- **Correction:** C (should be "will")

**Question 19:**
If she **bought** that house **now**, she **ran** out **of** money.
- **Correction:** B (should be "buys")

**Question 20:**
**What** **you would do** if you **could** speak French **well**?
- **Correction:** B (should be "would you do")

**Question 21:**
**If I had** my mobile yesterday, **I could have contacted** and **informed you** about the last-minute **cancellation of the seminar**.
- **Correction:** A (should be "had had")

**Question 22:**
**If you had** studied **hard**, you **wouldn't** **failed** the exam.
- **Correction:** D (should be "have failed")

**Question 23:**
If I **hadn't been** too **late for** the exam, I **might be** **allowed to enter** the examination room.
- **Correction:** C (should be "might have been")

**Question 24:**
**I would** **have enroll on** an online course **if I had had** **enough money**.
- **Correction:** B (should be "have enrolled in")

**Question 25:**
**We might** have **gone to** the Science Fair **if we** **knew about it** happened.
- **Correction:** D (should be "had known about it")

**Question 26:**
If we **had drop** school **so early**, we **wouldn't** have **had enough** knowledge of the school subjects.
- **Correction:** A (should be "had dropped")

**Question 27:**
If you **had come** to class **last week**, you **might have join** in the discussion **on air pollution**.
- **Correction:** C (should be "might have joined")

**Question 28:**
If **I had listened** to **my parents**, I **wouldn't** **have been** in so much trouble now.
- **Correction:** D (should be "wouldn't be")

**Question 29:**
I **don't know** your phone number. If **I had known** it, I **would** **have called** you last night.
- **Correction:** No correction needed.

**Question 30:**
If I **have studied** English **earlier**, I **could** **have read** this book several years ago.
- **Correction:** A (should be "had studied")

**Question 31:**
If a meteor **hadn't** **struck the Earth**, the dinosaurs **didn't become** **extinct**.
- **Correction:** C (should be "wouldn't have become")

**Question 32:**
If they **had win** the lottery **last summer**, they **would have** **bought** a new car.
- **Correction:** A (should be "had won")

**Question 33:**
If I **had known** he **is not** at home, I **wouldn’t have gone** all the way **to** his house.
- **Correction:** B (should be "was not")

**Question 34:**
If I **had known** that the road **were flooded**, I **would** never **have taken** that way.
- **Correction:** B (should be "was flooded")

**Question 35:**
If I **were** you, I **will go** to **the dentist’s** and have the tooth **checked**.
- **Correction:** B (should be "would go")

These corrections should help ensure the sentences are grammatically correct.
10/07 11:49:11
+5đ tặng
  1. D
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B

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