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Choose the correct answer

33. My mother _________to work last  morning.
A. didn’t go
B. not went
C. wasn’t went
D. didn’t went
34. The film that I ___________last night  __________very interesting.
A. see/saw
B. saw/were
C. see/were
D. saw/was
35. My mother often ____________yoga in the morning.
A. does
B. do
C. did
D. doing
  36. They _____________a new house for the homeless people last month.
A. build
B. building
C. builds
D. built
37.We ______________lots of plastic bottles yesterday.
A. collected
B. collects
C. collecting
D. collect
38. Mai often ____________her old clothes to the charity.
A. give
B. gives
C. to give
D. giving
39.She ____________Vietnamese to some foreigners last summer.
A. teached
B. teach
C. taught
D. teaches
40. He _____________an engineer last year.
A. become
B. became
C. becomes
D. to become
III. Reading Comprehension:  
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer to the questions.
Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies. Linda is 11 years old. She likes dancing and painting pictures. Peter is old. He likes designing Internet sites and playing video games. Billy is years old. His hobbies are playing the violin and reading detective stories. Our pupils also learn very well.Linda is good at Music and Arts. Peter is good at Maths. And Billy is one of the best pupils at Literature. Their hobbies help them much in their study.
1. How old is Linda?
A. She is 11 years old. B. She is 15 years old. C. She is 14 years old.
2.What are Peter's hobbies?
A. His hobbies are dancing and playing video games
B. His hobbies are designing Internet sites and painting pictures.
C. His hobbies are designing Internet sites and playing video games.
3. Is painting pictures Billy's hobby?
A.Yes,it is. B. No,it's Linda's. C. Billy likes playing video games.
4. What does Billy like doing?
A. He likes playing the violin and reading detective stories.
B. He likes dancing and playing the violin.
C. He likes designing Internet sites and reading detective stories.
5. What subjects is Linda good at?
A. She is good at Arts and Literature.
B. She is good at Music and Maths. C. She is good at Music and Arts.
6. Is Peter good at Literature?
A. He is good at Music. B.Yes,he is. C. No, he is good at Maths.
2. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular.
As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy.
Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure.
1. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because ……….
A. you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps
B. stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country 
C. it is very important to collect stamps D. A and B are correct
2. All of the following are true EXCEPT……….
A. stamps can make you relaxed and happy B. stamps can make you know more
C. stamp collecting can make you famous
D. you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky
3. According to the passage, it is true to say that ……….
A. stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous
B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby
C. stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting 
D. stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money
4. The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ……….
A. the activity of collecting stamps B. the activity of selling stamps from other countries 
C. the activity of buying stamps from other countries 
D. the activity of buying or selling something
5. The main idea of the passage is ……….
A. the history of stamp collecting B. good things from stamp collecting.
C. the ways of stamp collecting D. famous stamp collectors
 3. Breakfast is the (1) …………..important meal of the day. It provides the nutrients your body needs for good health, the calories it needs for (2) …………..and helps to maintain your blood sugar level. Studies have shown that people who don’t have breakfast have a low blood sugar level and are often slow, tired, hungry and (3) …………..to concentrate. Surprisingly, breakfast actually plays a part in weight control. It's easier to (4) …………..weight if you eat in the morning rather than later in the day. Dividing the day’s calories (5) …………..three meals helps take off weight more efficiently than (6) …………..breakfast and having two larger meals a day does.
1. a. healthy b. tasty c. main d. most
2. a. strenght b. power c. energy d. effort
3. a. able b. enable c. unable d. capable
4. a. lose b. put c. gain d. drop
5. a. in b. into c. up d. for
6. a. skipping b. making c. buying d. serving
IV.  Rearrange the following words to make complete sentences.
1. classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music. / listening
2. doesn’t/ early. / friend’s/ sister/ My/ like/ getting/ up
3. the/ I/ getting/ dressed/ mornings. / like/ in
4.  a/ at/ bath/ aunt/ having/ nights. / loves/ James’
5. classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music. / listening
6. his/ dad/ car. / Ana’s/ washing/ hates
7. watching/ dislike/ films/horror/ She/ TV. / on
8. Lisa / English / taught / her/ the kids / to / in / neighborhood.
9. plant / They /didn’t / in/ schoolyard. / the / trees 
10. some / We / food/ donated/ and vegetables / a / to / nursing home .
11. all the litter / That girl / the / street. / picked up / on 
12. good/  health./ I / playing / enjoy/ sports/ it/ because/ is/ for
13. do / exercise./ more / junk food/ less/ Eat/ and
14. you/ What/ do/ evening. / did/ Sunday/ last.
15. collected/ The/ for/ club/ children/ paper/ old/ last month./ school
 V. Write full sentences using the given words
1. I / like / garden / because / I/ love / plant / flowers.
2. My sister / not like / horse riding / because / she / afraid of / horses.
3. Make models / develop / your creativity.
4. Minh and Hung / play football every day / after school ?
5. Jog / make / you / strong / and / reduce  stress.
6. In 1990 / we / move / to another city.
7. She/ start / play badminton / 10 years ago. 
8. When / you / get / the first gift?
9. She /buy rackets /shuttlecock /play badminton. 
10. She /love it /because it help her / keep fit
11. when/ I/ ten/ I / begin/ play football.
12.  She/ often/ take/ paracetamol/ if/ she/ get / bad/ headache.
13. read/ books/ free time/ is/ favourite/ hobby.
14. I/ think/ skating/ more/ interesting/ mountain - climbing.
15. I /not/ know/ why/ my mother/ like /cook.
16. I/ do exercise/ every day/ because/ I/ want/ stay/ healthy.
17. Drink / lots / water / be / good / our health.
18. I/ love/ flowers/ so/ I/ plant/ around/ house.
19. Phong/ eat/ lots of/ junk food/ so/ he/ putting/ weight.
20. She / not / go/ to the church/ five days ago.
21. Last year / our club / donate / books / children in rural areas.
22. Lan / not like / make models / her free time.
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Here are the answers for each of the questions:

### 33. My mother _________ to work last morning.
**A. didn’t go**

### 34. The film that I ___________ last night __________ very interesting.
**D. saw/was**

### 35. My mother often ____________ yoga in the morning.
**A. does**

### 36. They _____________ a new house for the homeless people last month.
**D. built**

### 37. We ______________ lots of plastic bottles yesterday.
**A. collected**

### 38. Mai often ____________ her old clothes to the charity.
**B. gives**

### 39. She ____________ Vietnamese to some foreigners last summer.
**C. taught**

### 40. He _____________ an engineer last year.
**B. became**


### Reading Comprehension:

1. **How old is Linda?**
**A. She is 11 years old.**

2. **What are Peter's hobbies?**
**C. His hobbies are designing Internet sites and playing video games.**

3. **Is painting pictures Billy's hobby?**
**B. No, it's Linda's.**

4. **What does Billy like doing?**
**A. He likes playing the violin and reading detective stories.**

5. **What subjects is Linda good at?**
**C. She is good at Music and Arts.**

6. **Is Peter good at Literature?**
**C. No, he is good at Maths.**


### Second Passage (Stamp Collecting):

1. **Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because ………….**
**D. A and B are correct**

2. **All of the following are true EXCEPT………**
**C. stamp collecting can make you famous**

3. **According to the passage, it is true to say that ………….**
**B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby**

4. **The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ………….**
**D. the activity of buying or selling something**

5. **The main idea of the passage is ………….**
**B. good things from stamp collecting.**


### Third Passage (Breakfast):

1. **a. healthy**
2. **c. energy**
3. **c. unable**
4. **a. lose**
5. **a. in**
6. **a. skipping**


### Rearrangement of words into complete sentences:

1. **My mother likes listening to classical music.**
2. **My friend’s sister doesn’t like getting up early.**
3. **I like getting dressed in the mornings.**
4. **James’ aunt loves having a bath at nights.**
5. **My mother likes listening to classical music.** (duplicate - same as above)
6. **Ana’s dad hates washing his car.**
7. **She dislikes watching horror films on TV.**
8. **Lisa taught the kids English in the neighborhood.**
9. **They didn’t plant the trees in the schoolyard.**
10. **We donated some food and vegetables to a nursing home.**
11. **That girl picked up all the litter on the street.**
12. **I enjoy playing sports because it is good for health.**
13. **Eat less junk food and do more exercise.**
14. **What did you do last Sunday evening?**
15. **The children collected old paper for the school club last month.**


### Writing Full Sentences Using the Given Words:

1. **I like gardening because I love planting flowers.**
2. **My sister does not like horse riding because she is afraid of horses.**
3. **Making models develops your creativity.**
4. **Do Minh and Hung play football every day after school?**
5. **Jogging makes you strong and reduces stress.**
6. **In 1990, we moved to another city.**
7. **She started playing badminton 10 years ago.**
8. **When did you get the first gift?**
9. **She buys rackets and shuttlecocks to play badminton.**
10. **She loves it because it helps her keep fit.**
11. **When I was ten, I began to play football.**
12. **She often takes paracetamol if she gets a bad headache.**
13. **Reading books in my free time is my favorite hobby.**
14. **I think skating is more interesting than mountain climbing.**
15. **I do not know why my mother likes to cook.**
16. **I do exercise every day because I want to stay healthy.**
17. **Drinking lots of water is good for our health.**
18. **I love flowers, so I plant them around my house.**
19. **Phong eats lots of junk food, so he is putting on weight.**
20. **She did not go to church five days ago.**
21. **Last year, our club donated books to children in rural areas.**
22. **Lan does not like to make models in her free time.**

Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance!
Little Wolf
13/10 11:41:25
+5đ tặng
Multiple Choice Questions

33. My mother A. didn’t go to work last morning.
34. The film that I D. saw/was very interesting.
35. My mother often A. does yoga in the morning.
36. They D. built a new house for the homeless people last month.
37. We A. collected lots of plastic bottles yesterday.
38. Mai often B. gives her old clothes to the charity.
39. She C. taught Vietnamese to some foreigners last summer.
40. He B. became an engineer last year.

Reading Comprehension

1. A. She is 11 years old.
2. C. His hobbies are designing Internet sites and playing video games.
3. B. No, it's Linda's.
4. A. He likes playing the violin and reading detective stories.
5. C. She is good at Music and Arts.
6. C. No, he is good at Maths.

1. D. A and B are correct.
2. C. stamp collecting can make you famous.
3. B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby.
4. D. the activity of buying or selling something.
5. B. good things from stamp collecting.

Fill in the Blanks
  1. c. main
  2. c. energy
  3. c. unable
  4. a. lose
  5. a. in
  6. a. skipping
Rearranged Sentences
  1. My mother likes listening to classical music.
  2. My friend's sister doesn't like getting up early.
  3. I like getting dressed in the mornings.
  4. James’ aunt loves having a bath at nights.
  5. My mother likes listening to classical music.
  6. Ana’s dad hates washing his car.
  7. She dislikes watching horror films on TV.
  8. Lisa taught the kids in her neighborhood English.
  9. They didn’t plant the trees in the schoolyard.
  10. We donated some food and vegetables to a nursing home.
  11. That girl picked up all the litter on the street.
  12. I enjoy playing sports because it is good for health.
  13. Eat less junk food and do more exercise.
  14. What did you do last Sunday evening?
  15. The children collected old paper for school club last month.
Full Sentences
  1. I like gardening because I love planting flowers.
  2. My sister does not like horse riding because she is afraid of horses.
  3. Making models develops your creativity.
  4. Do Minh and Hung play football every day after school?
  5. Jogging makes you strong and reduces stress.
  6. In 1990, we moved to another city.
  7. She started playing badminton 10 years ago.
  8. When did you get the first gift?
  9. She buys rackets and a shuttlecock to play badminton.
  10. She loves it because it helps her keep fit.
  11. When I was ten, I began playing football.
  12. She often takes paracetamol if she gets a bad headache.
  13. Reading books in my free time is my favorite hobby.
  14. I think skating is more interesting than mountain climbing.
  15. I do not know why my mother likes to cook.
  16. I do exercise every day because I want to stay healthy.
  17. Drinking lots of water is good for our health.
  18. I love flowers, so I plant them around the house.
  19. Phong eats lots of junk food, so he is putting on weight.
  20. She did not go to church five days ago.
  21. Last year, our club donated books to children in rural areas.
  22. Lan does not like to make models in her free time.

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