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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
19/07/2020 10:38:34

Please write the text about Covid - 19 about 50 words

Please write the text about covid 19 about 50 words

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ô long kem cheese
19/07/2020 10:55:00
+5đ tặng
At present, the Covid-19 pandemic is becoming more and more complicated, it makes the economy stagnant, the life of people is completely disturbed and always in a state of anxiety, ... and with it, learning born - students cannot go to school. One of the most worrying things is when the epidemic situation is never stable. It is said that long-term leave can cause learning gaps, but most parents agree because of concerns about the health of their children and the community. In general, it is indispensable and really necessary for students to leave school, but we need to pay more attention to the sense of self-study. If you want to make sure that your knowledge doesn't have an unfortunate flaw, it is entirely up to your own sense of self-study. Even if you get to school, but the laziness, neglect, engrossed in fun, surely the academic results can not be satisfactory. Think of it as the "best opportunity" for yourself to revise broken knowledge, train yourself to make up for the holes that you have or improve your ability with different types of test papers. . In fact, the Departments of Education and Training all implement programs on television, teachers create online lessons, you can study at home. Good self-study is a way to contribute to the prevention of Covid-19 epidemic, helping to reduce the risk of disease spread in the community. So, take advantage of the time to learn by yourself, train yourself, join hands to combat the disease!

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Lưu Hoa
19/07/2020 18:46:47
+4đ tặng

Now, Coronavirus is the hardest problem that every country has to solve. This virus comes from China, and in one month, it got bigger and bigger, spreads all over the world. People, who have a cough, a fever, might have Coronavirus in their lungs and their noses. That’s why you should protect yourselves from this epidemic.

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