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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
08/10/2020 21:04:40

Viết một đoạn văn bằng Tiếng Anh kể 2 điều bạn thích và 2 điều bạn không thích ở miền quê

Viết một đoạn văn bằng Tiếng Anh kể 2 điều bạn thích và 2 điều bạn không thích ở miền quê.

6 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Đỗ Chí Dũng
08/10/2020 21:05:55
+5đ tặng
I live in Vinh Long city, and my hometown is very beautiful. It is located in Vinh
Long province, a small area in the South West of Vietnam. Vinh Long has a
combination of rural and urban values which include landscapes and modern
structures. It is very easy to get to my hometown. All we have to do is follow the
national main road, and then cross one of the biggest bridges of the West – My
Thuan bridge to step into Vinh Long area. The uptown region is full of grass fields,
ponds and cattle. There are not many houses there, and the atmosphere is still fresh
and free from the exhaust fumes from traffic or factories. If we go further, we will
get to the center of the city. It is not a very big and modern city, but it has enough
facilities for citizens. Vinh Long is famous for tourism, and tourists love spend a
day on the boat that goes along the rivers and floating markets. There is nothing
much about my hometown, but I suppose that it is the best place for me to live.

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Vương Minh Quân
08/10/2020 21:06:08
+4đ tặng

I was born and grown up on the poor land in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province. That’s where deeply attaches to me 24 years of life. If anyone who asks me that “What’s the thing your most proud of?” .I will answer that’s my hometown. Duc Tho is the land poor where the people live by rice cultivation, breeding, and fishing. Although the life is very difficult, but the people is very friendly, and studious. In Duc Tho, there is a Tung Anh village where called “Doctor village”. Duc Tho is also the home of Tran Phu Secretary General, and marked many memories of the great leader Ho Chi Minh.

If you come to Duc Tho, you will feel many interesting things, visiting Tran Phu tombstone, La Giang dyke, rowing on La driver, and enjoying the traditional songs. In the evening, they can enjoy a special food which is “mussel rice” – just only eat one time, you will never forget.

Beautiful and unobtrusive! Duc Tho always tries to grow, and to improve the life of people, but keeping the traditional culture.

Vương Minh Quân
08/10/2020 21:06:34
+3đ tặng

The village has always been known to be a place of peace and quiet. The scattered houses among hundreds of plants and trees at once indicate the lack of activity in the village.

The workers in the village leave their homes early in the morning to work in the plantations or towns nearby. Some have their own plantations, and some make certain articles in their homes to sell them in the towns. A few of the villagers, including women, go out to catch fish in the streams and rivers found in the village. Though the people of the village do not usually earn much, yet they seem to be contented.

In the afternoon, most of the villagers are at home. Some of them take a nap after lunch; some work in their small gardens, and some visit the small shops in the village. In various parts of the village children may be seen playing the popular games of the village. Occasionally, a cyclist passes by.

Then, in the evening, the villagers meet one another. Some play cards and other types of games peculiar to the village. Some talk about the day's incidents in the village, and those whose minds go beyond the village discuss world events.

In almost every village there is a headman whose duty is to settle quarrels among the villagers and maintain peace in the village. Whenever there is a dispute, the villagers go to the headman who is held in such esteem that his word has the force or law. In this way the villagers have developed their own simple laws, and the crimes of cities are almost unknown to the people of the village.

During a festival, the whole village is alive with activities. Everyone is in a happy mood and plays his part to make the festival a success. This is the time for the men, women and children of the village to wear their best clothes and the village is full of colour. These simple ways of life in the village, however, must soon change. Progress in science and education has already begun to affect the outlook of the people in the village, and hundreds are leaving the village to seek their fortunes in the towns and cities.

Vương Minh Quân
08/10/2020 21:06:51
+2đ tặng

I like living in the countryside because of some reasons. Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without worrying much about environmental pollution.

As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.

Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities.

Vương Minh Quân
08/10/2020 21:07:01
+1đ tặng
Some people prefer living in a big city; others enjoy residing in a small town or in the countryside. Living in big cities has advantages as there are better options of education, services and fun activities. Also hospitals are more sophisticated in big cities. Proper transport facilities as well as shopping are easier as there are more shopping complexes in big city. Further big cities are the first areas where new technologies arrive which are essential to get acquainted with the pace of real world is moving ahead. Life in country side has also some advantages. It has no pollution and the hustle and bustle of city life. Living in a peaceful place will make our heart and soul pleasant. Further one can develop their own understanding about nature. People living in countryside are friendlier to each other than in big cities. They learn to help each other in difficult times. Choosing to live in big city or countryside is really a difficult task. But living in big cities probably will enhance to get familiarize with different hardship and also learn better profession. Living in countryside will also develop to learn and live in harmony with nature and surroundings. But overall living in city is better.
08/10/2020 21:07:55

I like living in the countryside, because my childhood is tied to fields, villages and simple nature. Firstly, the rural environment is fresh more than in the city.

(Tôi thích sống ở nông thôn, vì tuổi thơ của tôi gắn liền với những cánh đồng, làng mạc và thiên nhiên giản dị. Thứ nhất, môi trường nông thôn trong lành hơn ở thành phố.)

Around the houses surrounded by luxuriant trees, lush green creates a cool atmosphere. Next, when going to the street without fear of being robbed on the road, this place is very good security. The people in my hometown are very rustic, close, dear and especially willing to welcome anyone here.

Xung quanh những ngôi nhà được bao quanh bởi những cây um tùm, màu xanh tươi tốt tạo ra bầu không khí mát mẻ. Tiếp theo, khi đi ra đường mà không sợ bị cướp trên đường, nơi này có an ninh rất tốt. Người dân ở quê tôi rất mộc mạc, gần gũi, thân thương và đặc biệt sẵn sàng chào đón bất cứ ai ở đây.)

Moreover, I love the green tea hills, it is a famous specialty in my hometown. A very fragrant tea, with a little bitter taste but it is delicious, attractive to drinkers. It was for these reasons that attracted me to live in the countryside. I believe that I will stick with this place throughout my life.

(Hơn nữa, tôi yêu những ngọn đồi trà xanh, nó là một đặc sản nổi tiếng ở quê tôi. Một loại trà rất thơm, có một chút vị đắng nhưng nó rất ngon, hấp dẫn người uống. Chính vì những lý do này đã thu hút tôi đến sống ở nông thôn. Tôi tin rằng tôi sẽ gắn bó với nơi này trong suốt cuộc đời mình.)

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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Học tập không giới hạn cùng bạn bè học sinh cả nước, đến LAZI, sôi động, tích cực, trải nghiệm

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