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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
15/12/2020 16:58:25

Tả môn học yêu thích bằng tiếng Anh


3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
hacker cx7
15/12/2020 17:01:58
+5đ tặng
My favorite subject is Math, but people rarely believe that there is a student who actually loves Math. This is a quite easy subject at primary level, but I have to admit that it gets harder and harder through time. I had a struggling period with it before I could find the motivation and interest to study. I find it is not only useful, but it is like puzzles that I can find the joy once I solve them. Some students say that they cannot find any use of quadratic equation or complicated formulas in reality, but Math actually appears in many aspects in our life. It helps calculate and bring out the exact results, and we cannot construct anything without calculate the figures,or the amount of materials or the whole are. Besides, it also an useful assistant for some other subjects such as Physics and Chemical, and it helps us develop our logical thought. We can think faster and have better reaction with numbers thanks to Math. Whenever I go to the markets with my mom, I always help her to check whether the sellers take the right or wrong amount of money as well as the change. I meet it both in school and in my real life, so there is no wonder why I find it really necessary. In conclusion, I think Math is not just simply a subject that challenges the students, but it can actually help us in our daily life. I am so lucky to find this subject enjoyable, and I will always find joy in studying it.

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Đặng Thu Trang
15/12/2020 17:03:32
+4đ tặng
When going to school, there are many subjects; however I still like literature the most. First, literature plays an important role in both education and daily life. Literature is not limit to a subject to be learnt at school. Furthermore, this subject teaches human about several aspects of life. From the very first step, student learns to write, read as well as describe things and people. Moreover, literature teaches one to be a responsible citizen and likeable personality. Literature is more than a subject, it’s an art and it can be applied directly into life such as: journalism, editor. People are not born to learn this unique subject, it needs long time to exercise to master. Besides, when learning literature people not only know more works of art but also understand culture, tradition of each country. Literature is the mirror reflecting human and their lifestyle. Studying literature means learning the way to love and live a true life. All in all, with great benefits of literature, it is necessary for each society especially developing countries.
15/12/2020 20:09:58
+3đ tặng

My favorite subject is the one that most students consider as boring, and it is History. A lot of my classmates even hate it since they have to remember a huge amount of information of people that they do not know. The textbooks are usually very thick, and they consist of events and people from a hundred or thousands of years from East to West. For me, those things are like the stories in the novels, but the difference is my textbooks are about true things. They tell me about the epic battles, the majestic kings and queens and their empires, the true meanings behind countless revolutions, the steps of humankind and many more. I feel like I am living the past just by reading books, and the textbooks are never enough for me. I love to collect historical books, and I always need to know a complete story about a certain event. For example, if I have a lesson about the discovery of America tomorrow, I will search online for more details that relating to it. It makes my teachers surprise sometimes, and most of them admit that it is very rare to meet a student who actually love and want to study History. People love to read fantasy books, but I choose to read about true events and characters. My friends learn the lessons by heart because they are forced to do that, but I remember them like my favorite stories. I want to be an archaeologist in the future, and my love for the past as well as History will company with me in that path.

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