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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
02/07/2021 22:10:50

Rewrite sentences keep meaning as the root one: My son plays video games during the day

Rewrite sentences keep meaning as the root one

1. My son plays video games during the day.

=> I wish

2. It will be very cold tomorrow. 

=> I wish

3. You can’t understand these things because you are very young.

 You are not

4. I have so much work to do today.

=> I wish 

5. Tom is a playwright as well as an actor.

=> Tom is not only 

6. They did not finish the kitchen on Monday.

=> The kitchen 

7. The last time I saw Lan was at Tam’s birthday party.

=> I 

8. What did he tell you?

=> I need to know 

9. Where did they go on holiday?

=> Do you know 

10. Where is the dentist’s office?

=> Could you tell me 

11. How many people are there in our school?

=> We want to know 

12. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.

=> This shirt 

13. I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning.

=> I am used to 

14. Would you please give me a hand?

=> Would you mind

15. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.

=>  If he didn’t

16. The suitcase is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

=> It is such

17. Why don’t you ask her yourself?

=> I suggest

18. How long is it since you last saw Mary?

=> When 

19. The fight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.

=> It took 

20. She asked, “ How many Japanese students are there in your class, Tom? “

=> She asked Tom

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Khánh Ly
02/07/2021 22:11:14
+5đ tặng
1. My son plays video games during the day.
=> I wish my son didn't play game during the day.
2. It will be very cold tomorrow.
=> I wish it wouldn't be very cold tomorrow.
3. You can’t understand these things because you are very young.
=> You are not old/ mature enough to understand these things.
4. I have so much work to do today.
=> I wish I didn't have so much work to do today.
5. Tom is a playwright as well as an actor.
=> Tom is not only a playwright but an actor also.
6. They did not finish the kitchen on Monday.
=> The kitchen wasn't finished by them on Monday.
9. Where did they go on holiday?
=> Do you know where they went on holiday?
10. Where is the dentist’s office?
=> Could you tell me where the dentist's office is?
11. How many people are there in our school?
=> We want to know how many peole there were in our school?
12. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.
=> This shirt is not clean is enough for me to wear.
13. I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning.
=> I am used to getting up early in the morning.
14. Would you please give me a hand?
=> Would you mind giving me a hand please?
15. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly.
=> If he didn’t speak so quickly I could understand him.

16. The suitcase is so heavy that I can’t carry it.
=> It is such a heavy suitcase that I can’t carry it.
17. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
=> I suggest that you (should) ask her yourself.
18. How long is it since you last saw Mary?
=> When did you last saw Mary?
19. The fight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.
=> It took three and a half hours to fly to Moscow.

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02/07/2021 22:12:13
+3đ tặng
1.I wish my son didn't play video game during the day
2.I wish it would be very cold tomorrow
4.I wish i didn't have so muc work to do today
Hạnh Kiều
02/07/2021 22:12:19
+2đ tặng

1. My son plays video games during the day.

=> I wish my son didn't play video games during the day.

2. It will be very cold tomorrow. 

=> I wish it wouldn't be very cold tomorrow

3. You can’t understand these things because you are very young.

 You are not old enough to understand these things

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