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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
02/08/2021 16:49:59

In recent years the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in our country. So, what are reasons and possible measures for this problem

In recent years the problem of environmental pollution has become a serious problem in big cities in our country. So, what are reasons and possible measures for this problem?

Nowadays, we are living in a city with high population density, so domestic waste is the first reason. Then many people's social consciousness is not high. In several areas, they throw rubbish on streets, canals and rivers. It is easy for us to see rubbish of all kinds floating on the water. Moreover, uncultured people even  pee in the public place.

Now, let's come to other reasons. Our city is overloaded with vehicles that expel a lot of smoke and dust. This contributes to the heat of the air, and causes pollution.

Besides that, in several places, trees have been cut down to have room for buildings, hotels, or supermarkets. This makes the atmosphere in our city mug and stuffy.

In addition, many plants and factories send out waste into canals or poisonous gas into the air.

Last but not least, the drainage system in our city is very old and downgrade, so it is always flooded whenever it rains.

New words:

 muggy (adi) nồm ẩm, oi bức

stuffy (adi) ngột ngạt

1. What is not the reason of environmental pollution?

A. high population density                                                                                                            B. smoke and dust from vehicles

C. domestic waste                                                                                                                        D. the new drainage system

2. What is the first reason of environmental pollution?

A. domestic waste                                                                                                                        B. smoke and dust from vehicles

C. population density                                                                                                                    D. rubbish on streets

3. What is the synonym of the word "consciousness"?

A. awareness                                            B. unculture                                                                C. unconsciousness                                                       D. awakeness

4. Why vehicles cause air pollution?

A.  Vehicles make the atmosphere in our city muggy and stuffy.

B. Because they expel a lot of smoke and dust.

C. Because they consume too much gasoline.

D. Because many people use motorbikes and cars nowadays.

5. How is the drain system in our city?

A. It’s very modern.               B. It's downgrade.
2 trả lời
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02/08/2021 16:50:43
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02/08/2021 16:52:25
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