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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
03/08/2021 07:48:55

You here before

8. "You here before?” □ "Yes, I my holidays here last year.” A. have you been; spended B. have you been; spent C. had you been; spent D. were you; spent 9. We our housework by tomorrow evening. A. will finish B. will have finished C. will be finishing D. are going to finish 10. "Your face is dirty, Tom.” □ "All right, I it.” A. am washing B. am going to wash C. will wash D. will have washed 11. Coming into the room, he Mary where he her. A. see; left B. saw; had left C. had seen; left D. saw; was leaving 12. I from him since he two years ago. A. hadn't heard; disappeared B. haven't heard; disappeared C. didn't hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears 13. After the guests she back into the living-room and off the light. A. left; went; turned B. had left; had gone; turned C. have leftt; will got; turned D. had left; went; turned 14. By the time you finish cooking they their homework. A. will have finished B. will finish C. had finished D. have finished 15. "You have just missed the last train.” □ "Never mind. I ” A. will be walking B. am going to walk C. will walk D. am walking 16. "I the way to the Globe Theater.” □ "OK. I you.” A. don't know; will show B. won't know; will show C. don't know; am showing D. don't know; am going to show 17. Come in, please. I for you long. A. have waited B. have been waiting C. had been waiting D. have been waited 18. Who you to the cinema with last night? A. went B. did you go C. had gone D. did you went 19. Detective: I'm afraid I must ask both of you. What at 10.20 p.m yesterday? Mr. X: I chess with my wife. Mr. Y: I to a play on the radio. A. were you doing; am playing; was listening B. did you do; played; listened C. were you doing; am playing; am listening D. were you doing; was playing; was listening 20. You my sister for a long time come to see us tonight? A. haven’t seen; Will you B. won't see; Will you C. hadn't seen; Would you D. haven’t seen; Are you going
1 trả lời
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Hoàng Giang
03/08/2021 08:29:07
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