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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
09/08/2021 17:11:21

How do you celebrate New Year's Eve

nhanh vs ạ.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Huy Quốc Gia Hào
16/09/2021 10:05:34
My oldest New Year’s Eve memory is from when I was less than 10 year’s old. Unless I am mixing up memories, I seem to recall some friends of ours getting married on New Year’s Eve in the church where my dad was pastor. It might have been a Sunday evening but I don’t know for sure. After the wedding, we went home only to return several hours later for an 11:00 PM service that rung in the New Year.
Beloved Childhood Memories Halloween has always been my favorite holiday . There is something about all the black and orange, the ghosts, the costumes, and the weather that makes me happy. Most people like Halloween because that is when they are able to acquire buckets of free candy.
Now, why Christmas is my favorite holiday. Christmas is a time where people can be with friends and family. This gives this time of year much more happiness and fun. Another great thing about Christmas is (if you are Christian or anything similar) celebrating the birth of Jesus. Another great thing is for many people to receive and give gifts.

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