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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
07/09/2021 07:41:11

Write the change in your daily life during social distancing time. ( Sự thay đổi trong đời sống hàng ngày để phù hợp trong thời gian giãn cách xã hội

Write the change in  your daily life during social distancing time. ( Sự thay đổi trong đời sống hàng ngày để phù hợp trong thời gian giãn cách xã hội
Giúp mk với ngay trong hôm nay nha
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Nguyễn
07/09/2021 07:41:40
+5đ tặng

I suppose one of the biggest turning points in my life was when I graduated from university just a couple of months ago. I looked for a job and began working full-time right after that so I haven’t really had time to take a deep breath and reflect on this momentous change.

People say that university is one of the best periods of time in your life, and that you will miss it once you are employed. That’s not true for me, because I was very relieved when I finally got my degree. I didn’t get to learn a lot in school and was always irritated by the poor attitude of the staff there. Throughout 4 years, all I wanted was to get a job so that I could support myself first and then my family. And that has finally come true. I am more in my element when I’m working because I constantly learn new things and have to deal with new challenges.

But the biggest change for me is that now I can take care of myself financially and not have to rely on my family anymore. I already worked part-time when I was in university, but what I made wasn’t nearly enough to save for a rainy day, let alone support my family. So although my work isn’t all roses, I am still very glad I have made it this far. Personally I feel this change has had a very positive impact on me.

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