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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
16/10/2021 19:38:18

Choose the best answer for the following sentences

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- Chỉ đọc
te: * KAD uleK C Aalle A Ne
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ánh ngọc +9
I. Choose the best answer for the following sentences:
1. I moved to the front of the room
A. so as to
I could see better.
C. to
wake everybody up.
C. so as not to
B. in order to
D. so that
2. The boy tiptoed into the room
A. so as to
3. He turned out the light
A. not
4. I am lighting the fire so that the house
A. would
5. Mary worked hard
B. in order that
D. in order to
waste electricity.
B. without
D. in order not to
C. so that not
be warm when they return.
C. will
B. wouldn't
D. won't
pass the examination.
B. so as to
D. in order not to
C. so that to
order to choose science for her profession.
C. in
A. as so to
6. She is taking science course at school
A. so
7. She weighed herself
A. for
В. on
D. at
know the pull of the earth exerting on her.
D. to
В. so that
B. in order
8. He hurried so that he
A. won't
9. He does morning exercises regularly
A. not
miss the train.
C. didn't
to improve his health.
C. so that not
C. learns
B. doesn't
D. wouldn't
B. without
D. in order
10. Mary took her brother to school for him
A. to learn
11/ "I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me". Means
a.I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me
b. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me.
B. learning
D. learned
c. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me
d. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me
12/ He had to explain the lesson very clearly.
a. in order that his student to understand it
b. so that his students could understand it
c. so as his students to understand it
13/ He studies very hard
a. in order to fail the examination
d. so that his students to understand it
b. so that to get knowledge
c. so as to pass examination
14/ We have to start early.
a. so that
15/ They were talking in whispers..
a. in order to
16/ He hurried to the station . He didn't want to miss the train
a. he hurried to the station so that he couldn't miss the train
d. in order that he could be illiterate
.we won't be late
с. bеcause
..nobody could hear them.
b. so as to
d. although
b. so that
c. in order that
d. b and c arte correct
b. he hurried to the station in order that he couldn’t miss the train
c. he hurried to the station so as not to miss the train
d. all are correct
17/ She went to the library in order that she could borrow some books
a.she went to the library so as to borrow some books
b.she went to the library that she could borrow some books
c.she went to the library so that she could borrow some books
d. all are correct
18/ The schoolboys are in hurry.
..they will not be late for school
c. in order that
a. so as to
b. to
d. for
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
16/10/2021 20:36:40
+5đ tặng
1D 2C 3D 4C 5B 6C 7D 8D 9D 10A 11A 12B 13C 14A 15D 16D 17D

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