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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
25/10/2021 09:01:14

Chọn đáp án đúng

Hứa sẽ trả
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the following text and choose the option A, B, C or D that best answers each of the questions
One of the most obvious negative aspects of social networking is losing face-to-face contact with other people.
Teens are sitting around with their phone in their hands all day long, tapping messages onto screens instead of
communicating with real people. Many teenagers feel more comfortable with virtual friends than with real ones.
The majority think that it is easier to chat on the Internet because they lack communication skills.
It is also true that parents often have no knowledge about that their kids do with their phones or computer.
Crosby says that, While kids are plugged in to social media, only about 40% of parents are involved
themselves." And because parents don't know the full picture, they also don't know how to deal with a
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teenager's potential overuse of social media and might not even be aware that a problem exits. Therefore, social
networking can be much more immediately engaging with the teenager's life then parents are, and this fact
makes virtual communication feels more "real" than face-to-face communication.
(Source: Adapted from We have kids)
86. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Parents should use social networks more to understand their children.
B. Students are using social media too much.
C. Social networking brings negative effects to students' face-to-face communication.
D. Virtual life is easier than real life.
87. What do most teenagers think about chatting on the Internet?
A. Chatting on the Internet is easier than talking with real people.
B. Chatting on the Internet is more difficult than talking with real people.
C. Chatting on the Internet is funnier than talking with real people.
D. Chatting on the Internet is more boring than talking with real people.
88. The percentage of 40% refers to
A. The number of parents who let their children use social media.
B. The number of parents who do not want their children to use media.
C. The number of parents who use social media.
D. The number of parents who do not use social media.
89: Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Most of teenagers find it easier to communicate with virtual friends.
B. Most of teenagers lacks communication skill.
C. Most of parents know how to use social media with their children.
D. Most of parents do not know how to deal with their children's overuse of social media.
90. Which of the following best explains the word 'overuse' in the passage?
A. Using something overnight
B. Using something too much
C. Using something without thinking
D. Using something with carelessness
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