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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
05/12/2021 08:59:56

Complete each sentence with and, but, so, or, moreover, kowever, therefore, or otherwise

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VILComplete each sentence with and, but, so, or, moreover, kowever, therefore, or otherwise.
1. You must do your homework; _
2. He's seventy-two, ,
3. John studied hard for the math exam;
4. Do you want a cup of tea,
5. Smoking gives you bad breath.
6. There are many leaming English websites;
7. I like to read,
s. I hope you are feeling better
9. Engineering is an interesting career.
you might get a bad grade.
he still swims, runs and plays football regularly.
_he got an A+.
would you prefer coffee?
it is hamful to your health.
,some of them are not free.
my grammar is always on-point.
will be back at college soon.
-you have to be good at maths.
Double-click to hide white space
10. To be a doctor you have to study biology, .
chemistry is also important.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Nguyễn
05/12/2021 09:00:27
+5đ tặng

You must do your homework; otherwise , you might get a bad grade.

2. He’s seventy two, but he still swims, runs and plays football regularly.

3. John studied hard for the math exam; therefore he got an A+.

4. Do you want a cup of tea, or would you prefer coffee?


5. Smoking gives you bad breath, moreover it’s harmful to your health.

.6There are many learning English websites; …however , some of them aren’t free

7 I like to read, so my grammar is always on-point.

8 I hope you’re feeling better and will be back at college soon.

9. Engineering is an interesting career. Therefore, you have to be good at maths.

10. To be a doctor you have to study biology, so chemistry is also important.

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