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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
06/12/2021 15:31:34

Fishing is an.........my father enjoys best. (act). We will interview only three ..........for the job. (apply)

1. Fishing is an................my father enjoys best. (act)
2. We will interview only three ................... for the job. (apply)
3. Because of the ( encourage)...................of her teachers, she decided to study law.
4. Children need to have a good ....................... (educate)
5. He should say a few words of ..................... (explain)
6. It is an international..................... (organize)
7. They collected over 1000 ..................for the petition. (sign)
8. We should save .....................resources. (nature)
9. There wasn’t any....................... (electric)
10. My children like ..................stories. ( tradition)
11. .................., I lost my money on the way home. (fortunate)
12. Everyone was very..................about the news. (excite)
13. She is speaking in a ...............voice because she has a sore throat. (softly)
14. My brother usually drives very................. (fast)
15. The workers don’t finish their work on time because of the..weather.(badly)
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phan Lê Huyền
06/12/2021 15:41:21
+5đ tặng
1 activity 2 appliants 3 encouragement 4education 5explanation 6organization 7signatures 8natural 9electricity 10traditional 11unforatunately 12excited 13soft 14fast 15bad

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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kiều anh nguyễn
06/12/2021 15:43:28
+4đ tặng

1. Fishing is an activity My father enjoys best (act)

2. We will interview only three applicants for the job (apply)

3. Because of the encouragement Of her teachers, che decided to study law (encourage)

4. Children need to have a good education (educate)

5. He should say a few words of explanation (explain)
6. It is an international organization (organize)
7.They collected over 1000 (sign) signatures for the petition.
8. We should save ..........natural...........resources. (nature)
9. There wasn’t any..........electricity............. (electric)
10. My children like ..........traditional........stories. ( tradition)
11. ........unforatunately.........., I lost my money on the way home. (fortunate)
12. Everyone was very..........excited........about the news. (excite)
13. She is speaking in a ........soft.......voice because she has a sore throat. (softly)
14. My brother usually drives very.........fast........ (fast)
15. The workers don’t finish their work on time because of the.bad.weather.(badly)

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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