Put in these words: although, because, but, due to, if, in case, in order to, in spite of, so, so that, unless
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
• Olivia booked a babysitter .50that she could go out for the evening.
.it was late, Nick didn't seem in a hurry to leave.
2 They put video cameras in shops
3 We decided not to go out for a meal .
. stop people stealing things.
we were simply too tired.
.you're ready, we can start now.
5 Our room was very small,
6 No one was watching the television,
7 You can't drive a car.
we didn't really mind.
. . I switched it off.
you've got a licence.
having absolutely no talent, Guy became a popular TV personality.
9 Ithink my answers are right, but can I just check them with yours
I've made a mistake?
10 The road was closed
an accident.
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