Build a complete sentence with the given werds
ét ô ét, cứu vs, mk cần gấp ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
adjectives usual ly used in these structures are: wise,
aective e + verb Be of+ object (pronoun) to-
Bia cplete seuteces with the gire wr
Ihot al/ b / tae work He alwayr!
2 /ormal /hand-cored/eadre /errenker/ enemy?
1 h/ceso /women/ sit /apart/men
4heustenary / yong/ people /holp/parcnts /old
mpersonal expression used to express a com.
nt on somebody's behaviour or action
AN/ very rare / hhad/appruve/ wires/disoyaty
D. Impersnal expressien used to expres impartance
or necesdty.
he adjectve of + objecet ((pro)noun to na
Jerojnoun) + verb Be adjective to inive
keverb Beacves lor veoune inie
The alhectives used in this structure are: important, vial
necessary, advisable, fitting
h's necessary for you to practise English everyday.
Nind, nice, foolish, stupid, wrong, careless, clever,
ee How kind'of you to say
kind of youI to say so
e You are very kind to say so
Revrite the following sentences in anch e way that it
As exely the same as the senience printed above
Segin with the giren words.
She was stupid to make such a mistake,
OSES upid of her omake
1. k/important / parcats / prevent / children / sailf up/
Build a complete sentence wừa the giren ward
2 h/ necessary/ young couples / live / harmony / cach
was cama
n'i pa a do
bey don'Y
3 h/essential / husbands / help/ wives /beusework
4. h/advisable / hoth / husband/wife / spend/tine/
was unwise of Mr. White to lend Mr. Brown such
kes him
S. R/ fting / young couples/ask / parents/ consent/
before / get maried.
a large sum of money.
How L itwas of M wlite
How clever it was of the boys to find a solution to
the problem so quickly
The boys
Mary was naughty to pull the kitten's tail
l conldh
E. Impersonal expression used to express importance
or necessity.
wa naughty
is a good m
in the pat
A their tmi
ave eno
s li was wrong of you icnitratict your teacher.
You Wal Weouy h cou tadic
6. You were careless ko leave yur umbrella on the train.
How CaNelessitwas of van to leave
It+ verb Be + adjectives + that + someone + shouid+
infinitive (American English) or it+ adectives + hat + someane
+ bare infinitive (Brilish English)
The adjectives chiefly used in this structure are: essential,
vital, inperative, important, necessary, desirable, cnicial
It is essential that every child should have the same
rstand be
& Harny was polite to ofler his seat in the cruwded hus
to that old man.
k WOs polite of Hary
9. It was nice of you to paý me a višit after my retum
educational opportunities (American English
child have the
n't fecd wl
It is essential that every
educational opportunities (British Engäsh)
from abroad
You NOre wo to payme
10. You were kind enough to invite us to your birthday
• Build a complete sentence with the given werds.
1. It / vital / that / illiteracy / country / eradicate
( British English).
2. It/ imperative / that / most / roads / city / upgrade /
a void / flood / rainy season / come.(American
3. It/ crucial / that / govemment / officials I accept/
responsibilities / and best / promote / welfare /
country (British English).
4. It/ necessary / that / govemment / leaders/ realize/
roles / and / bring comuptionists / court / trial.
(American English).
5. It / important / that / goveminent / campaign/
pomography. (British English)
tWOs kindof you invite
ne mecting
e mocing
Impersonal expression used to express feasibility.
) piezi verh Be+ adiectives + lor + (pro)noun + to-infinitive
e adjectives usually used in this structure are : pussible.
possible, easy, not easy, hard, difficult.
od in tear
I's not easy for an inexperienced man to get a good joh.
herever)ymF uild a complete sentence with the given words.
1. It/ difficult / give / individual / attention / children /
large / class.
2 Without exanination / it / impossible / teachers/
test/students / progress.
F. Impersonal expression used to denote a duration of
time in performing actions.
Ons l / difficult / men / than / women / fulfil / domestie /
n takes + (pronoun + a period of time + to-infinitive
4. k/bard / murderer / recover/ peace / mind.
. It/ possible / 4 month / haby /walk ?
I go lo schul by hicycle in lificen minutes t takes ne
fifleen minutes to go lo school by hicyele.
the rive
• Rewrite the follawing sentences in such a wer that is
means exactly the same as the sentence prinied above it.
Impersanal expression used to express frequency.
Begin with the given words.
1. She leamed to speak linglish well in only one year.
vero Be + adjectives + lor (pro)noun + lo infinitive
sinktine is ifien use:l with the following adjectives:
1, not ustral, nonual, care, customary, a coninn
actice, tlhe custont, the nule
2. I wash and dress cach morning in less than fifteen
was the rule for men and wonen to sit apart.
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