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Toán học - Lớp 8
11/03/2022 18:59:08

Read the passage, then answer the questions given below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
| Read the passage, then answer the questions given below.
The festival of Diwai is one of the most important religious
festivals in India. Itlasts for five days aroundthe end of October. Itis
the festival of Lakshimi, the Goddest who, in the Hindu religion,
brings peace and propenty.
Preparations for the festival begin several weeks before the festival. People clean and
decorate their homes, prepare special food and buy new clothes and jeweky to welcome the
Goddess in their homes. All over India, people i ght up their hanes with oil lanps and colorfial
Big4-Bộ đã tự kếm tra 4 k năng Ngha - Nói - Đọc - Viết siếng Anh (cơ bán và năng cao)iap 7 tậo 2| 27
Eghts. The celebrations take place on the daskest night of the lunar mornth, Amavasya. In the
evening, freworks fill the sky to make Diwai a true "Festival of Light"
Answer the questions:
1. Where is Diwali celebrated?
2. Whenis the festivalheld?
3. What do people doto prepare for the festival?
4. When does the celebrationtake place?
5. Whyis Diwai called "Festival of Light" ?
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Bạch Nhiên
11/03/2022 19:11:34
+5đ tặng
1.The festival of Diwali is one of the mostimportant religious festivals in India.
2.It lasts for five days around the end ofOctober.
3.People clean and decorate their homes,prepare special food and buy new clothesand jewelry to welcome the Goddess intheir homes.
4.The celebrations take place on the darkestnight of the lunar month, Amavasya.
5.In the evening, fireworks fill the sky tomake Diwali a true “Festival of Light”.

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