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Adverb clauses--cause and effect relationships

Quiz 2: Adverb clauses--cause and effect relationships

21.   Because he was tired, he scored poorly on the exam, ____________________.

A.  this  will cause him to not be admitted into the university

B.  this is a fact which will cause him to not be admitted into the university

C.  a fact which will cause him to not be admitted into the university

D.  a fact which will cause him to not  admit into the university

22.   _________________________, he will be admitted into the university.

A.  Now that he passes the TOEFL with a score of 550

B.  That he has passed the TOEFL with a score of 550

C.  Now , he has passed the TOEFL with a score of 550

D.  Now that he has passed the TOEFL with a score of 550

23.  Since July 4th is a holiday, _______________________.

A.  so we do not have to go to work                        B.  we do not have to go to work

C.  as a result,  we do not have to go to work          D.  thus, we do not have to go to work

24.  Yousef went back to Saudi Arabia _______________________.

A.  and he needed to take care of some business in his company

B.  because he needed to take care of some business in his company

C.  which he needed to take care of some business in his company

D.  because he need to take care of some business in his company

25. _________________________, he will return to the United States to study English.

A.  Had Yousef  taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia

B.  Now that Yousef has taken care his business in Saudi Arabia

C.  Now that Yousef has taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia

D.  Yousef has taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia but

26.  ______________________, we should go to Laguna Beach.

A.  For we do not have to work today                      B.  We do not have to work today

C.  Since we do not have to work today                   D.  Since we do no have to work today

27.  Fabiana will not go to work today _______________________.

A. , she is a bit ill   B.  because she a bit ill   

C.  because she is a bit ill D.  which is she is a bit ill

28.  ___________________, the temperature should begin dropping.

A.  Now that the sun setting       B.  Now that the sun set  

C.  The sun  setting  D.  Now that the sun has set

29. ________________________ since most professional jobs require writing skills.

A.  Learn how to write is important               B.  Learning how write is important

C.  Learning how to write is important          D.  Learning how to write it is important

30.  ________________________, the research paper is beneficial to students since it requires them to critically think, read, and write about a specific body of knowledge in which they have an interest.

A.  A requirement at most universities           B.  It is a requirement at most universities

C.  A requirement at most universities it is              D.  Requirement at most universities 

31.  ____, I am ready to enter the job market, so I will begin to send out my résumé to prospective employers.

A.  Now that my universities studies have been over                  

B.  Now, that my universities studies are over

C.  Now that my universities studies are over                   

D.  My universities studies are over

32.  Waldo, _______________, has learned a great deal of English since he came to the U.S.

A.  he is a practicing lawyer from Chile                   B.  who a practicing lawyer is from Chile

C.  a practicing lawyer from Chile                           D.  a practicing lawyer from Chile who

33.  ___________, most runners must train for several months before they are sufficiently conditioned.

A.  Because of the extreme fatigue which involved in running a marathon

B.  Because of the extreme fatigue involving in running a marathon  

C.  Because of the extreme fatigue involved in running a marathon

D.  Because of the extreme fatigue involved in run a marathon

34.  ___________________________, you are ready to run a marathon.

A.  You have trained at a rate of fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks

B.  Now that you have trained at a rate of fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks

C.  Now that you have trained at a rate of fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks so

D.  Now that you train at a rate fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks

35.  He hasn't lifted any weights________________________ .

A.  since he injures his right arm                   B.  since he injured his right arm

C.  since he injure his right arm           D.  , he injured his right arm

36.  _______________________, she is going to change the bait she is using.

A.  Because Ivy has not catched any trout yet          B.  Ivy has not caught any trout yet

C.  Because Ivy has not caught any trout yet           D.  Because Ivy had not caught any trout yet

37.  Alfredo, __________, cannot pay his tuition now that his father is unemployed.

A.   has high academic aspirations                 B.   who he has high academic aspirations

C.  who has high academic aspirations           D.  have had high academic aspirations

38.  ________________________, it has been very hard for Ai and her family to pay their bills.

A.  The Asian economic crisis                       B.  Because the Asian economic crisis

C.  Since the Asian economic crisis               D.  Since Asian economic crisis

39.  Halle Berry faces legal problems ____________________________.

A.  because she was involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchange information with the injured driver

B.  because she was involve in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging information with the injured driver

C.  because she was involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging information with the injured driver

D.  because she was involved in a car accident and leaves the scene without exchanging information with the injured driver

40.    Now that India is approaching one billion people, it will soon surpass China as the world's most populated country, _____________________________.

A.  a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists like

B.  this is a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike

C.  which a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike

D.  a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike

Quiz 3: Adverb clauses--unexpected results/direct contrast

41.  ______________________, I didn't bring my coat.

A.  Even though it be cold outside                                     B.  Even though it  cold outside

C.  Even though it was cold outside                                   D.  Whereas  it was cold outside

42.  Bill Gates is a private entrepreneur, _______________________.

A.  however,  Al Gore is a public official                          

B.  whereas Al Gore is a public official

C.  where Al Gore is a public official                                

D.  although Al Gore  a public official

43.  The computer still works ___________________.

A.  it was infected by the "Melissa" virus                         

B.  so it was infected by the "Melissa" virus

C.  even though it was infected by the "Melissa" virus 

 D.  whereas it was infected by the "Melissa" virus

44.  ___________________________, hurricanes form over water.

A.  Unless Tornadoes generally occur over land               

B.  As Tornadoes generally occur over land

C.  While Tornadoes generally occur over land                

D.  Tornadoes generally occur over land

45.   __________________, he  was not elected to the most coveted position in politics.

A.  Because  Ross Perot spent a considerable amount of money while campaigning for president of the U.S.

B.  Even though  Ross Perot spent a considerable amount of money while campaigning for president of the U.S.

C.  While Ross Perot spent a considerable amount of money while campaigning for president of the U.S.

D.  Even though  Ross Perot spent a considerable amount of money while he campaigning for president of the U.S.

46. Whereas  the economy of the 19th was spurred by the industrial revolution, the economy of the 21st century  is centered on an information age, ____________.

A.  thus it changed the job market for prospective employees

B.  thus changed the job market for prospective employees

C.  thus changing the job market for prospective employees

D.  it changed the job market for prospective employees

47.  ____________, the other castaways were busy gathering food for that night's dinner.

A.  While resting in his hammock                          

B.  While Gervase was resting in his hammock

C.  Gervase was resting in his hammock while       

D.  While Gervase  is resting in his hammock

48. _____________________, Southern California has a dry one.

A.  Because Thailand has a  humid climate   

B.  Whereas Thailand a  humid climate has

C.  Thailand has a  humid climate but           

D.  Whereas Thailand has a  humid climate

49. Junko cut her exercise schedule short ____________________.

A.  so the weather was too hot                      

B.  because the weather is too hot

C.  because the weather was too hot                       

D.  although the weather was too hot

50.  While most houses in North San Bernardino are kept in immaculate condition,  this house has not been maintained for _________________________.

A.  years, unfortunately, the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city

B.  years; unfortunately, the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city

C.  years, unfortunately; the house is now one of the worst eyesores in the city

D.  years; unfortunately, the house being now one of the worst eyesores in the city

51.   _______________________, many people have them much more frequently.

A.  Even though  there is a city ordinance prohibiting more than two garage sales per year per family

B.  Even though  there is a city ordinance prohibits more than two garage sales per year per family

C.  Even though  there is a city ordinance which prohibiting more than two garage sales per year per family

D.  Since  there is a city ordinance prohibiting more than two garage sales per year per family

52. ______________________,  she has never "officially" run a marathon.

A.   Because Maria trains at distances of more than 30 miles

B.   While Maria trains at distances of more than 30 miles

C.   Although Maria trains at distances of more than 30 miles

D.   Maria trains at distances of more than 30 miles but

53.__________________, John is protestant.

A.   Sue is Catholic but                                  B.   Whereas  Sue is Catholic

C.  Where Sue is Catholic                              D.  Sue is Catholic even though 

54. _______________________, you may go to the movies with us later on today.

A.  Have  you enough money to pay for your own ticket

B.   If you have enough money to pay for your own ticket

C.  If you had enough money to pay for your own ticket

D.  Unless you have enough money to pay for your own ticket

55.   ____________, the principal found no fault at all with his questionable behavior.

A.  While the teacher  infuriated at the student's total disrespect for authority

B.  With the teacher was infuriated at the student's total disrespect for authority

C.  While the teacher was infuriated at the student's total disrespect for authority

D.  Because the teacher was infuriated at the student's total disrespect for authority

56. Whereas Tsunami's are caused by underwater earthquakes, ______________.

A.   storm surges caused by gale force winds and high tides

B.   storm surges are caused  gale force winds and high tides

C.   storm surges which are caused by gale force winds and high tides

D.  storm surges are caused by gale force winds and high tides

57. _________, no one died due to the mandatory evacuations enacted by the government.

A.  Although  pummeled a huge Tsunami the northern coast of Japan

B.  Although a huge Tsunami pummeled the northern coast of Japan

C.  Despite a huge Tsunami pummeled the northern coast of Japan

D.  Although  pummeling a huge Tsunami  the northern coast of Japan

58.  __________, he saw suspicious behavior occurring in the little red farm house.

A.   While he was fishing                              B.   He was fishing while

C.   While he fishing                                      D.   Whereas he was fishing

59.  ___________________, she was reluctant to testify in court.

A.  Although  an eyewitness she was to the murder

B.  Although  she an eyewitness was to the murder

C.  She was an eyewitness to the murder, however 

D.  Although  she was an eyewitness to the murder

60.  _____________________, the jury found him innocent of all criminal charges.

A.  There was a preponderance of physical evidence linking O.J. Simpson to the murders but

B.  Even though a preponderance of physical evidence linking O.J. Simpson to the murders

C.  Even though there was a preponderance of physical evidence linking O.J. Simpson to the murders

D.  Even though there was a preponderance of physical evidence links O.J. Simpson to the murders

Quiz 4: Adverb clauses--conditional meanings/conditional wishes

61. I will be at my friend's house _________________________. 

A.  in case you should need to call me           B.   in case you should need call me

C.   in which you should need to call me       D.   in that you should need to call me

62.  _____________________, I exercise every day.

A.  Had I enough time                                    B.  Whereas I have enough time

C.  If have I enough time                               D.  If I have enough time

63.  In the event that you should fail the first writing assignment for this class, _________.

A.  I would give you one more week to revise         B.  I will  give you one more week to revise

C.  I will have given you one more week to revise   D.  I give you one more week to revise

64.  John would exercise more ____________________.

A.  have he more time                                    B.  because he more had  time

C.  if he had more time                                  D.  if he had many time

65._______________________, I'm going to Newport Beach.

A.  Even the weather is cold                          B.  Even if the weather cold is

C.   Even if the weather is cold                      D.  Even if the cold weather is 

66.  If John had had more time, _______________________.

A.  he will have finished the report                B.  he would have finished the report

C.  he would finish the report                        D.  he would have finish the report

67.  I will go swimming tomorrow __________________.

A.  because it is too cold  B.  unless it is too cold    

C.  unless too cold it is    D.  unless it too is cold

68. _________________, I always get a headache in the afternoon.

A.  If I skip breakfast and lunch                     B.  If I breakfast and lunch skip

C.  Skip I breakfast and lunch                        D.   If to skip breakfast and lunch 

69. Only if it rains continuously for three hours _______________________.

A.  the officials will cancel the baseball game        

B.  will cancel the officials the baseball game

C.  will the officials cancel the baseball game        

D.  the officials cancel the baseball game

70. ________________, I wouldn't give so many tests.

A.  Was I teaching this class                          B.  If I were this class teaching 

C.  If I were teaching this class                      D.  If I was teaching this class

71. If  anyone shoplifts in Walmart,  _______________________.

A.  they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

B.  he/she will prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

C.  he/she will be prosecute to the fullest extent of the law

D.  he/she will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

72. I would have helped John ____________________.

A.  if had he told me about his problem                   B.  if he had tell me about his problem

C.  had he told me about his problem                      D.  told he me about his problem

73. _________________, I will post all urgent phone numbers on the refrigerator.

A.  In which case you have an emergency while I am gone

B.  In  that you have an emergency while I am gone

C.  In case you have an emergency while I am gone

D.  You have an emergency while I am gone  In case 

74.  ___________________, I would go out for a walk.

A.  Were it not raining right now                             B.  Was it not raining right now

C.  If it was not raining right now                            D.  Were it not rain right now

75.  The police officers are ready to come to your house in the event that your ex-husband  should violate the restraining order ___________________.

A. in which you have filed against him                    B. who you have filed against him

C. that you have filed against him                            D. what you have filed against him

76.  If she had not been in the liquor store at approximately 3:50 pm, ___________.

A.  she will not have been murdered                                 

B.  she would not have been murdered

C.  in which case she would not have been murdered       

D. she would not been murdered

77.  You cannot study at this university ____________________.

A.  unless you have an F-1 Visa                    

B.  despite you have an F-1 Visa

C.  which you have an F-1 Visa.                             

D.  that you have an F-1 Visa

78. _________________, he would not be so angry now.

A.  If I initially told Jim the truth about his ex-wife

B.  If I have initially told Jim the truth about his ex-wife

C.  If I had initially told Jim truth about his ex-wife

D.  If I had initially told Jim the truth about his ex-wife

79.  I will exercise___________________.

A.  whether it rain or not  B.  whether rains or not  

C.  whether it rains or not   D.  whether it rains 

80.   She studied all night to prepare; ______________________.

A.  otherwise; she would have failed the test           B.  otherwise, she would fail the test

C.  otherwise, she will have failed the test               D.  otherwise, she would have failed the test

Quiz 5: Reduced adverb clauses--active and passive meanings

81.   ________________________, I saw an old friend of mine.  

A.  While I walking home from work                      B.  While walking home from work  

C.  While walked home from work                          D.  While walking home work  

82. ________________, I brushed my teeth.

A.  Before left my house                                B.  Before I leaving my house

C. Before leaving my house                          D. Before my house leaving 

83.  I feel asleep___________________.

A.  while I watch TV       B.  while watching TV    

C.  while watched TV      D.  during I was watching TV

84. ______________________, a mild earthquake shook the classroom.

A.  While the teacher lecturing about adverb clauses

B.  While the teacher was lecturing about adverb clauses

C.  While lecturing about adverb clauses                

D.  While lectured about adverb clauses

85.  __________________, a dog  chased us down the street

A.  While running                      B.  While we were running       

C.  We were running while        D.  While running we were

86.   _____________________, Yih-Ping has made many friends.

A.  Since  coming to San Bernardino                       B.  Since  come to San Bernardino  

C.  Since  she coming to San Bernardino                 D.  Since  she comes to San Bernardino  

87.  Peter went back to school __________________.

A.  after John calling him on the phone                   B.  John had called him on the phone 

C.  after John had called him on the phone              D.  after John had called him  the phone

88.   __________________, we saw many deer.

A.  While we hiking through the woods yesterday   B.  Hiking through the woods yesterday

C.  During hiking through the woods yesterday       D.  Hiking through the woods we yesterday

89.  _______________________, she was not hired for a job.

A.  Lacked the necessary qualifications                  

B.  When lacking the necessary qualifications 

C.  Lacking the necessary qualifications                 

D.  Because lacking the necessary qualifications

90.  Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, _________.

A.  the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave her a  heat stroke 

B.  the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given her a heat stroke

C.  which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given her a heat stroke

D.  the fatigue from the intense heat had almost given her a heat stroke

91.  _________________________ , he was able to gamble in Las Vegas.

A. When reached the age of 21                      B.  Reached the age of 21 

C.  As reaching the age of 21                         D.  Upon reaching the age of 21

92. _______________________, Martha was watching her favorite TV program.  

A.  While  Penchart talking to his friend                  B.  While  Penchart was talked to his friend 

C.  While  Penchart was talking to his friend           D.  Penchart was talking to his friend while

93.  _____________________, I will need to finish all of my business dealings with my clients.

A.  Before  leaving for North Dakota visit my brother and his family   

B.  Before  leaving for North Dakota to visit my brother and his family  

C.  Before  left for North Dakota to visit my brother and his family  

D.  Before  I leaving for North Dakota to visit my brother and his family  

94.  ___________________ , the student won a $10 million lottery.

A.  While worked on the computer                          B.  While working on the computer

C.  While she working on the computer                   D.  Working on the computer while she

95.   ___, Selim  has secured a great job as a finance manager of a major corporation in Turkey.

A.  Since he finishing his MBA studies                   B.  Since finishing his MBA studies  

C.  Since finished his MBA studies                         D.  Since  he finish his MBA studies  

96.  Joo  Kyung always watches TV ________________.

A.  after finished her homework                    B.  after finishing her homework

C.  after  she finished her homework             D.  after she finish her homework

97.  ____________________, the teacher carefully explained the meaning of "animal" idioms.

A.  Using his laser pointer to point to an example on the  board

B.  Used his laser pointer to point to an example on the  board

C.  While he using his laser pointer to point to an example on the  board

D.  While he was used his laser pointer to point to an example on the  board

98.  _____________________, she took the bus every morning to work.  

A.  Because she unable to buy a car                         B.  Being unable to buy a car

C.  Be unable to buy a car                                        D.  Because she were unable to buy a car 

99.  ___________________, I discovered that my stereo had been stolen.

A.  On  that looking into my car                    B.  When I look into my car 

C.  Looking into my car when I                     D.  On looking into my car

100. ______________________, it is prohibited to light camp fires.

A.  The forest area in the San Bernardino mountains is so dry during the summer

B.  Being the forest area in the San Bernardino mountains is so dry during the summer

C. Because the forest area in the San Bernardino mountains so dry during the summer

D.  Being the forest area in the San Bernardino mountains was so dry durin
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