One of the biggest advantages of solar energy is that it is a renewable energy source. Energy can be produced as long as the sun lasts, which is millions of years. Therefore, solar energy can really be called as a long-term energy source.
-As direct electricity develops from solar energy, there is no scarcity of raw materials, i, sunshine. It is found in abundance.
-The solar cells are very easy to install, can be installed on the roof and so no extra space is needed. Generation of energy at a small scale, on the basis of individual users
-The solar panels are not noisy and stationary. They also require very little maintenance.
-Solar energy can be produced in any part of the world, in any place where more sunlight is available.
One of the most important environmental advantages of solar energy is that it is a non-energy source of pollutants such as zero carbon dioxide or other gases in electricity generation.
Due to the above reasons, solar energy is not dangerous to the environment and therefore, is also known as a clean energy source.
When thinking about the economic advantages of solar power, then one should note that in addition to the initial installation costs, solar generation and use is free. No charge, the bill to tend to!
- Coal, natural gas and petroleum and other fossil fuels tend to increase continuously. Solar, on the other hand, is free.