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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
14/04/2022 16:14:56

Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words

V. Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
The best singer       
    A month ago, Katy’s music teacher, Mrs Bean, told her class about a competition. “In this competition, you have to choose a song and then sing it in front of everyone,” she said. Katy decided to try to win the competition. Every evening after school, she sang her song in front of the mirror in her bedroom. Katy’s mum heard her “It sounds very good, Katy,” she said. “But a lot of people will watch me sing, Mum,” said Katy. “If I sing badly, it will be horrible.”
    On the day of the competition, Katy’s mum took her and her brother to school. When they arrived, many other children and parents were already there. When Mrs Bean sat down to play the piano, everyone stopped talking. The children started to sing their songs. Mrs Bean played, and everyone listened.
Then it was Katy. Mrs Bean said, “Katy Gold will sing ‘Whisper a Word’ next.” Katy stood up . Her legs felt very weak when she looked at all the lights and all the people’s faces, but her song was lovely.
At the end of the competition, Mrs Bean said loudly, “ Well, thank you everyone. Katy Gold has won!” She gave Katy a new guitar. Katy’s mother began to cry and her brother jumped up and down because they were very, very happy.
1. The children had to _______________________and sing it to a lot of people for the competition.
2. At home every evening, Katy went to _______________________and sang her song in front of the mirror.
3. _____________________listened to Katy when she sang her song at home.
4. Mrs Bean played the _______________________during the competition.
5. The song that Katy sang was called _______________________.
6. The ______________________and the people’s faces made Katy’s legs feel week.
7. Katy’s mum and her ____________________were very happy when Katy won.
8. Katy got a ____________________because she won the competition.

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
thảo vân nguyễn
15/04/2022 11:29:07
+5đ tặng
1. choose a song 
2. bedroom.
3. Katy’s mum
4. piano
5. ‘Whisper a Word’
6. lights
7. brother
8. new guitar

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