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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
24/04/2022 13:24:33


Lm hộ mình phần VI.WRiTING 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each of the blanks.
A person who tosses a can or a napkin on the ground is contributing to land pollution. This (1)
of pollution mainly involves the depositing on land of solid wastes that cannot be broken down
quickly or, in some cases, at all. Heaps of trash are not only unpleasant to look at they can (2)
interfere with the lives of plants and animals.
Land pollution also includes the build-up of (3)
chemicals on land. The use of pesticides in
farming is a major source of this type of pollution. These chemicals are spread over fields to kill insects,
weeds, fungi, or rodents that are a threat to crops. But pesticides harm or (4)_
too. When they drift with the wind or become absorbed (5)
become a source of health problems such as cancer and birth defects.
A. plan
other living things
fruits and vegetables, they can
D. type
C. train
C. too
C. poisoning
C. get
C. into
B. use
D. such
A. so
B. also
D. poisonous
D. help
A. poisonously
B. poison
A. make
B. kill
D. on
A. of
B. up
1. Rewrite the sentences with suggested words.
1. When you pay attention to it, we will be excited about it.
2. As it gets hotter, they drink beer a lot
=>The ....
3. When cars are produced much, the environment becomes polluted
=> The
4. If she can speak English, she will have high chance to apply this job
=> The
5. The growth in the economy makes people's living condition better.
6. He becomes kind-hearted when he gets mature
7.I thought about the plan, I like it little.
8. My brother was earning much less in his previous job than he is now.
9. This is the most delicious lunch she's even had.
10. This is the fastest moving car I've ever driven.
2. Complete these sentences. Use tag question
1. He seldom visits you, ... .?
2. You've never been in Italy,. ?
3. That's Bob, .... ?
4. Nothing is wrong... ?
5. Everything is okay,.. ?
6. Everyone took a rest,. .?
7. Going swimming in the summer is never boring,... ?
8. Let's dance together,
9. Don't talk in class,
10. Nobody cheated in the exam,
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phan Thảo
26/04/2022 14:06:23


2. B

3. D

4. B

5. C


1.The more you pay attention to it, the more we will be excited about it.

2. The hotter it gets, the more beer they drink.

3. The more cars are produced, the more polluted the environment becomes.

4. The more English she can speak, the higher chance she will have to apply this job.

5. The more the economy grows, the better people's living condition is.

6. The more mature he gets, the more kind-hearted he becomes.

7. The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.

8. My brother is earning much more money now than he was in his previous job.

9. She has never eaten a more delicious lunch than this before.

10. I’ve never driven a faster moving car than this before.

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