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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
22/05/2022 10:38:41

Read the article below

Read the article below.

Are sentences 31 – 37 ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.

David Rawson

David Rawson, 15, is one of the best rowers of his age in the USA. He comes from Connecticut, and spends most of his free time practicing on the many rivers near his home.    

David’s dad, Martin, also enjoys rowing. “David’s much better than me, but I go with him when I can,” he says. David’s mother, Wendy, doesn’t go rowing herself but she is happy to take them to and from the rivers in her car.

It’s an expensive sport. The Rawson have seven boats, costing between $1500 and $4000 each. But you can see how important rowing is to the family when you go to their home. There are many photos of David rowing and several rowing boats in the garage.

About 18 months ago, David started rowing on the sea. This sport is similar to surfing except that you sit in a special boat instead of standing on a board. David loves it, and it means he can continue with his sport in the summer when his favourite rivers don’t have enough water in them.

Next year David is hoping to go to the Premier Rowing Academy where he’ll study rowing as well as all the usual school subjects.


31. There are lots of places for David to do his sport in his area.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

32. Martin says that David is nearly as good at rowing as him.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

33. Wendy helps Martin and David by doing the driving.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

34. The Rawson paid the same price for all their boats.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

35. Wendy is unhappy about how many boats there are in the garage.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

36. David found a teacher to help him learn to row on the sea when he was 18.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

37. It is possible for David to row on his favourite rivers all year.

Your answer:                             [ Select ]                          ["Right", "Wrong", "Doesn't say"]           

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
22/05/2022 10:49:47
+5đ tặng
31. There are lots of places for David to do his sport in his area."Doesn't say"
32. Martin says that David is nearly as good at rowing as him Wrong
33. Wendy helps Martin and David by doing the driving. Right
35. Wendy is unhappy about how many boats there are in the garage. Doesn't say
36. David found a teacher to help him learn to row on the sea when he was 18. Wrong
37. It is possible for David to row on his favourite rivers all year. Right

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22/05/2022 11:48:43
+4đ tặng
31. There are lots of places for David to do his sport in his area."Doesn't say"
32. Martin says that David is nearly as good at rowing as him Wrong
33. Wendy helps Martin and David by doing the driving. Right
35. Wendy is unhappy about how many boats there are in the garage. Doesn't say

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