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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
15/06/2022 16:47:11

Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive

help miiiiiiiiii ><
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Đức Phát
15/06/2022 16:49:21
+5đ tặng

1 It's a big factory. Five hundred people (employ) are employed there.

2 (somebody/clean) Did somebody clean this room yesterday?

3 Water ..covers.. (cover) most of the earth's surface.

4 How much of the earth's surface ..is covered.. (cover) by water?

5 The park gates ..are locked.. (lock) at 6.30 pm every evening.

6 The letter ..was posted.. (post) a week ago and it ..arrived.. (arrive) yesterday.

7 The boat hit a rock and ..sank.. (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody ..was rescued.. (rescue).

8 Richard's parents ..died.. (die) when he was very young. He and his sister ..were brought up.. (bring up) by their grandparetns.

9 I was born in London but I ..grow up.. (grow up) in Canada.

10 While I was on holiday, my camera ..was stolen.. (steal) from y hotel room.

11 While I was on holiday, my camera ..disappeared.. (disappear) from my hotel room.

12 Why ..did Sue resign.. (Sue/resign) from the job? Didn't she enjoy it?

13 Why ..was Bill sacked.. (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

14 The company is not independent. It ..is owned.. (own) by much larger company.

15 I saw an accident last night. Somebody ..called.. (call) an ambulance but nobody ..was injured.. (injure) so the ambulance ..was not needed.. (not/need).

16 Where ..are these photographs taken.. (these photographs/take)? In London?....Did you take...(you/take) them, or somebody else?

17 Sometimes it's quite noisy living here but it's not a problem for me. I ..am not bothered... (not/bother) by it.

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15/06/2022 16:51:01
+4đ tặng
4. is covered
5. lock
6. sent
were brought up

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