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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 3
27/06/2022 15:52:26

Trả lời câu hỏi sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
- How often do you see your relatives?
- Where do your relatives live?
- How many cousins do you have?
- What time do you usually get up?
- What do you do when you get up early?
- Do you prefer getting up early or sleeping late? Why?
- Have you ever felt homesick? When?
- Have you ever missed doing something? What was it?
- Which animal do you think you're similar to? Why?
Skill review: Ôn tập lại những kiến thức đã học
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Hoàng Thúy Vy
12/07/2022 09:19:59
-I see my relatives about 3 times a month
-My relatives live scattered all over the city
-I have 3 cousic that are...(name of cousin)
-I often get up at 6 am
-I always do morning exersices 
-I'd rather getting up early because it's a good habit
-Actually yes, That's when I went on a long-term business trip with my colleagues on the weekend, I was really looking forward to being able to go home to visit my parents and younger brother.
-I also forgot to do a project that my teacher gave us in science class, and it made me feel guilty because the whole group was punished. But thanks to the encouragement of my friends, I stood up and accepted the mistake so that the project was completed later but still very well.
-I suspect that I am similar to a hamster because I am usually very quick at things that make people quite like me.
Nhớ chấm điểm giúp mik nhé<3

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