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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
08/07/2022 10:53:11

Chuyển câu màu xanh sang câu bị động

Chuyển câu màu xanh sang câu bị động
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
operation. They musin't scrub their hands before.
6. It isn't necessary for Emma to wash her dog once a week. Emma mustn't wash her dog
7. Is it possible to recycle garden trimmings? can't recycle garden trimmigs:
once a week.
8. It isn't advisable to play with matches. You shouldn't play with matches.
9. It is not possible for us to spend this evening at the concert. We com'T for us to spend this evenig
10. James is obliged to copy the files. James_must
the files.
11. It is forbidden to use mobiles phones in hospital. you
12. It isn't necessary for Helen to prepare a birthday cake. Helen needin's
mustn't use mobiles phones in hospind.
prepare a buhday cake.
13. Students are not allowed to eat and drink in the classroom. Students mustn't eat and drink in the classroom
14. You are allowed to wait outside. You m'ait outside.
15. It is your duty to be in the office on time. You
must be in the office on time
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Sang Trần
08/07/2022 11:02:45
+5đ tặng
6. Enma's dog must not be washed once a week
7. garden trimmings cannot be recycled 
8. matches should not be played with
9. this evening at the concert cannot be spent by us
10. the file must be copied by James
11. mobiles must not be used in hospital
12. a birthday cake doesn't need to be prepared by Helen
13. eat and drink must not allowed in the room
14. waiting outside is allowed

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